Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Good, The Bad, The Grace of God: A Book Review & Giveaway

**Book received for review. All thoughts are my own.

If we were to believe the movies, every love story is perfect. There are never any struggles, everything works out perfectly in the end, and we all live happily every after. The end.

Sounds pretty great right? No wonder we all dream about the day that that we will fall in love and get married. Meeting the love of your life makes everything perfect!

But anyone who has been married for more than a few years can tell you that that's just not the reality. Don't get me wrong, love is great. Marriage is awesome, something I wouldn't trade for anything in this world... but picture perfect? Far from it. From money troubles to insecurities to losses... life is known for sending the unexpected! On top of that, we all often bring our own baggage into the marriage- past relationships, past struggles, past experiences. Yes, love stories-even great love stories- can be a little messy... but they are real, and they are worth it. In Jep & Jessica Robertson's The Good, the Bad and the Grace of God, we get a glimpse into their real life love story:

In The Good, the Bad, and the Grace of God, Jep Robertson, the youngest son of Duck Commander Phil Robertson, and his wife, Jessica, open up about their personal trials, their early years together, and the challenges that might have destroyed them both had the grace of God not intervened. 

Jep describes being molested as a child and his reluctance to tell anyone until only a few years ago, his downward spiral into drug and alcohol abuse, and the eventual intervention of his family. Jessica shares about the difficult failure of her first marriage while still a teenager and the hurt that came along with it, much of it from the church. Her insecurities spun out of control as she wondered whether she would ever be good enough or pretty enough. This book is their love story but, more importantly, their love story for God.

You'll discover how God's grace can wash us clean no matter what we've been through.

If you are a Ducky Dynasty fan, you are going to love having this closer look at the Robertson family. But even if you're not a fan, this is still a great story. As I mentioned in my previous post, I myself admire the family, but am not a die hard fan. I wouldn't know which brother was which or much about the family beyond the basics...and yet I found myself unable to put this book down. In many ways I found myself relating to Jessica, but even beyond that was just drawn in by the openness and realness that both shared. I found myself drawn into their love story and rooting them on.

But this truly is much more than a love story between two people. More than anything, it is a story of God's grace. Whether you've watched the show or not, most probably know that the Robertson family is known for their strong Christian faith. And all too often the conception is that Christians must be perfect. Their story shows that this just isn't true...and that no matter what mistakes we have made in our past, God's grace is more than enough.

Whether you're married or not, a Duck Dynasty fan or not... this book has a lot to offer each of us, and I highly recommend checking it out. It is available to purchase now at Family Christian.

You can see more Duck Dynasty merchandise and connect with Family Christian at the links below:

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And one very lucky reader is going to have the chance to win a copy for themselves! Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery 

Visit here for another chance to win!!


  1. I love their home decor!! The pillows, pillow wraps and picture frames especially!!

  2. Ashley Chassereau ParksOctober 8, 2015 at 12:48 AM

    I love the Fisher-Price Little People Nativity: Deluxe Christmas Story!! So cute!

  3. I love their pillows - especially the Trust Accent Pillow - it is beautiful!

  4. There are so many things that I want :) but I really liked the Christ the Center of Our Home Plaque! I received one of their plaques as a birthday gift last year & it's one of my favorite pieces! It's very special to me! :)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24