Friday, November 20, 2015

Hoodwinked: A Book Review & Giveaway

**Book received for review. All thoughts are my own.

Hey Moms! Do you ever feel like you've been hoodwinked?

Before having kids, we all had this motherhood thing figured out. We knew just the kind of mother we wanted to be, just how it was going to work out and just how we would feel about it all. Motherhood was in the bag! We knew just how our kids would act, and just how to make them act that way!

Raise your hand if you ever felt that way! That you would do motherhood RIGHT!

Now, raise your hand if you very quickly learned that motherhood was not at all what you expected, and that you really, truly did not have it as in the bag as you thought.

That's probably most of us, right?

I honestly don't recall what my expectations of motherhood were... but I do know that motherhood has come with many surprises right from the beginning! All of those preconceived ideas that we might have had about motherhood suddenly go right out the window. It's not as easy as the movies make it look... June Cleaver? She must not be human! With all the pressures to live up to, many of us find ourselves feeling like we've fallen short! But the truth is, that perfect mom does NOT exist. Like, I said... we've been hoodwinked.

That's just the topic up for discussion in the new book by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk, Hoodwinked:

Moms have been hoodwinked—tricked into believing lies that keep them from not only enjoying motherhood, but forging friendships with other moms who might tackle the tasks of motherhood differently. Myths such as "Mothering is natural, easy, and instinctive" cause moms to feel like failures if they have questions or apprehensions in raising their kids. Operating from the premise that "The way I mother is the right (and only) way" puts up fences between moms instead of building bridges of encouragement between them. Lies such as "I am my child’s choices" tempt moms to mistakenly believe that if their child makes a wrong choice then they, in turn, must be a bad mom.

In their encouraging "we’ve been there" style, Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk enable mothers to:
  • Identify the ten myths of motherhood our current culture perpetuates
  • Replace the lies with the truth of what God says in the Bible about mothering
  • Acquire practical tools to help them form new and improved thought patterns and healthy behaviors
  • Forge healthy, supportive relationships with other moms of all ages and stages
  • Confidently embrace the calling of motherhood as they care for their families in their own unique way
This book is a must read for every mom. What a much needed breath of fresh air! This is NOT a guide book on how to be the perfect mom, but a book that tells us the truth that that mom doesn't exist. It shatters all of those inaccurate ideas that we carry into motherhood and reminds us that we are not the only ones who don't have it all together. We all have our struggles, we've all made mistakes, we've all been wrong...and we're all in this together! It's honest, beautifully written and just an entertaining read all around! 

If you are a mom or you know a mom who is struggling- no matter the stage in motherhood- Hoodwinked is going to be a welcome addition to every mom's must read list! Hoodwinked is available to purchase now at your favorite Christian book retailers!

And one very lucky winner will win a copy for themselves! Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery 


  1. Haha... I totally felt hoodwinked!! I also thought I would be such a different mother than I am! I still try to be better every day!! Its definitely harder than what the movies make it ;)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24