Thursday, January 21, 2016

Moms Stress Less with Lyfeline Milestones {A Review}

As moms, if there is one thing we are good at- it's worrying! Now, I'll admit, I was a worry-er before becoming a mom, but after having children it kicked into hyper-drive. Was I doing it right? Were my kids developing as they should?

Being a young mom with my oldest, I didn't really have any mom friends to talk to about these things. I was the first of my friends to have children, and while I'd babysat some in the past, I really didn't know too much about baby development. When my son was diagnosed with autism at two years old, I looked back and realized there had been more signs early on that I had not recognized, and I wondered had I know more about what to expect, we might have gotten my son started in speech therapy sooner than we did. With my daughter, I was much more aware about what to expect and what to look out for... I only wished I'd have had that advantage with my son too.

Today, I'm excited to share with you an app that can provide that knowledge and peace of mind that all moms need- Lyfeline Milestone!

So, what is Lyfeline Milestones?

Milestones provides a first ever opportunity for parents to track their child’s development directly on a smartphone. Utilizing an American Academy of Pediatrics recommended series of development questions, parents gain an in-depth look into their child’s fine and gross motor, language, social and self-help progression. Parents also receive percentile benchmarking relative to the child’s age group.

Utilizing assessment results, Milestones creates a targeted program tailored to the child’s developmental needs and forthcoming milestones. Derived from leading edge research and proven medical practice, parents are provided fun activities and information cards that encourage healthy growth. 

Sounds pretty amazing, right? It truly is no wonder that it is one of the only pediatrician recommended parenting apps... or that there were over 10K users during the soft BETA launch! There are even regular weekly contests where users can win Amazon and Target Gift Cards, just for using the app! Keeping track of our little one's developments? Helping them learn and grow through hundreds of fun, age ­appropriate activities created by pediatricians? AND the chance to win too? Awesome.

I was lucky enough to have the chance to try the app out for myself...and I loved it! While this is truly designed for those with little one ages 0-2, I could see that there were a lot of great aspects that I certainly would have appreciated when my little ones were younger. This is not just a guideline that says, 'Hey, this is what your kid SHOULD be doing, but it actually helps you to help them learn and grow. As a mom, I appreciate this peace of mind of knowing just where my kids are developmentally and knowing that I am doing what I can to help them more. I want to do what's best for my kids, and this app allows me to know where to begin!

Ready to get started? The app is free to download from Google Play or the App store, but a monthly subscription is required for full access to all the features available. You can learn more and download at the links below:

Lyfeline | Milestones App | Facebook | Twitter

Do you have a little one ages 0-2? How can Lyfeline Milestones make mothering a little easier for you?

**A huge thanks to LyfeLine Milestones for sponsoring today's post. All thoughts are my own.


  1. I looove this!! I feel like I forget so much before I have a chance to write anything down! My sons baby book is far from done and I feel like Im forgetting things every day!! What a lifesaver this is!!

  2. This looks like a great app! I love that it keeps everything in one place!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24