Monday, July 11, 2016

God Bless America: A Patriotic Coloring Book Review #ColoringAmerica

**Book received for review. All thoughts are my own.

There are certain times of year where it seems every one of us seems to break out the red, white and blue and celebrate the USA. Memorial Day, 4th of July, even Veteran's Day can bring out the patriot in all of us.

The 4th of July may have come and gone already, but if you ask me, it's always a good time to show a little patriotism and celebrate the country we live in. As a military family, this has certainly always been something that has been very important to our family.

So, when I heard of the new coloring book celebrating just that, I could not wait to get my hands on it! 

About God Bless America: A Patriotic Coloring Book

Enter the pages of this coloring book for adults, and you will find a peaceful way to reflect on what makes America a truly amazing country: our values of equality, opportunity, faith,family, character, generosity, justice, and perseverance. Each coloring page features an original design from one of nine different artists, illustrating an inspirational quote from one of the Founding Fathers, an historic document, a patriotic hymn, or another of America’s heroes.

Slow down, quiet the noise, and express creativity as you color your way through history.

So grab your colored pencils or markers, find a comfortable spot to relax, and spend some time celebrating America. To help set the perfect patriotic mood, a link to the “Coloring America” playlist is included inside.

My husband is the type of person who will just randomly look up topics on American history...just for fun. And he remembers everything he researches too. That's not me. I mean I may remember the major events from history class but that's about it. It's just not something that I am easily motivated to do for fun. But there are so many important people, places and events throughout history that we really should know and remember. So often I talk about coming at learning from something that they like as a way to get kids interested in learning too... but honestly the same can be said about adults too! I may not have much interest and picking up a history book and reading it... but I DO love coloring! This coloring book allows me to color those famous moments and quotes in the history of the country...and then gives me the chance to read a little bit more about the person or event that inspired those pages. It truly is a great reminder about the history that makes our nation so great! 

Whether you a military spouse, a history buff or just an American who loves adult coloring books, this is certainly one you'll want to check out! God Bless America is available to purchase now.


  1. This coloring book looks/sounds so unique!! I really love history and this coloring book sounds so different from the other ones I have seen. I think this would be fun for my oldest daughter as well!

  2. I love this!! We live in such a great country!!

  3. This sounds wonderful. And a nice way to engender love for our country. I'm glad I was brought up when we said the pledge of allegiance every morning, and asked for the Lord's blessing.

  4. This sounds wonderful. And a nice way to engender love for our country. I'm glad I was brought up when we said the pledge of allegiance every morning, and asked for the Lord's blessing.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24