Monday, July 25, 2016

Who Inspires YOU? {Born This Way Season 2 Premier & Target Gift Card Giveaway} #BornThisWay

 **Gift card received in consideration for this post. All thoughts are my own.

Let's talk inspirational people!

When you hear that term 'inspirational people', who comes to mind? Maybe it's an athlete who has overcome great obstacles, a teacher who saw something in you that you didn't know existed, a friend that has been through hard times and kept their faith, the person who never gave up. Maybe it's someone famous, or maybe it's just an every day person you know or know of in real life.

When I hear this term, there are many people that come to mind for many different reasons. I think of my mom who has fought and beat cancer and kept her faith through it all, who opens her heart and her home to those she loves. I think of my dad who many may think is a little rough around the edges, but who in reality is a big ol' softie who loves his family and does everything he can to make sure they are cared for. I think of my husband who is perhaps the hardest working person I know, putting his whole self into whatever it is he is doing to provide for our family.

And I think of my son, the boy who first made me a mom. Shaun was diagnosed with autism at age two and I must admit, the last 7 years since that diagnosis has certainly had its ups and downs. I have watched him struggle with those things that come so easily to most... making friends, focusing on tasks, potty training, even every day things like just going to a busy store. But he just keeps right along doing his thing. He's smart, he's sweet, he's just altogether amazing. He has faced struggles that no child his age should have to face...and for that he truly is an inspiration to me. I know that as parents we are supposed to teach our children, but the reality is he has taught me. He has taught me patience, he has taught me to keep on moving, he has taught me to overcome, he has taught me to love wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Just by being just as he was born- just as God made him. That's something worth celebrating, isn't it?

AE's fantastic show Born This Way does just that. BORN THIS WAY chronicles the lives of a group of young adults born with Down syndrome as they pursue their passions while defying society's expectations. The series also follows their parents who share their own journey of joy, sacrifice, and unconditional love.  It shows that being born differently does not mean that they cannot overcome and pursue their dreams. With so much negativity in the world and on TV, this is the kind of show I want to watch...and the kind I want my son to see too! 

If you missed the first season, now is a GREAT time to get caught up. The seconf season will be premiering on AE 
next Tuesday, July 26.

And in celebration of the Born This Way Season 2 premiere, we have a giveaway celebrating the inspirational people in YOUR life. Share your stories for a chance to win a $25 Target gift card. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery.


  1. The inspirational person in my life is my youngest son. We have it pretty hard but even for his young age, he understands.

    Jennifer Rote

  2. My mom inspires me because she came to this country without an education and without speaking English but managed to learn the language, work full time, and earn her Bachelor's Degree while raising my brother and I.

  3. My husband inspires me every day by working hard to support his family, and he is always helping with the kids and loves and supports me!

  4. My husband inspires me by being a kind and supportive person

  5. My Mom inspires me. She raised 4 kids on her own, working so hard to give us the best life she could. She is so loving and caring.

  6. My mom inspires me to be selfless.

  7. my brother has down syndrome. he inspires me to be happy. he is always so positive.

  8. My little cousin, Olivia who is such a fighter & inpsires me everyday.

  9. My inspiration is my mother in law. She is a true fighter and has beaten cancer. She is the most giving person I know.

  10. My late grandmother was the perfect example of being grateful and making the best of whatever life brought her way!

  11. My son inspires me everyday! He makes me want to do better and be better!!

  12. My husband is the most inspirational in my life. He is always so strong for his whole family and always works so hard to make sure we have what we need and to let us not only know we are loved but to show us! He is our rock!

  13. My mom inspires me to be a better person.

  14. My sister is very inspirational.

  15. Ashley Chassereau ParksJuly 25, 2016 at 10:43 PM

    My hubby inspires me so much!! He works so hard for our family and he is so good to me and our kiddos! He is so kind to everyone he meets and is so good to my parents! It really means so much to me!

  16. My inspirational is my mom! She retired years ago, but still volunteers fulltime at the hospital helping others! She rarely every misses a day!

  17. My mom and dad were.Now my grandaughter

  18. My wonderful husband is my inspiration. He works so hard to take care of his family.

  19. My parents inspire me. They have been so active and led such full lives. I only hope I can have the same.

  20. Heather Hayes PanjonJuly 26, 2016 at 9:42 AM

    My Husband Inspires Me!

  21. My Mother is an inspiration to me - she always has a no quit attitude and a positive outlook on life.


  23. My family inspires me because they are caring and also strong.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. My daughter inspires me as she became a widow with a newborn son at age 30. She works, is raising her son to be a well behaved young man and helps her Dad and me with any thing we need.

  26. My mom is the most inspiring person I know. She is constantly giving to others and she is not selfish at all. If everyone could be more like her, the world would be a better place

  27. My mom inspires me, she is a caring and giving person, who works hard to give her family and is always giving of her time to her friends and others.

  28. My mom inspires me. She is always so optimistic.

  29. My mom inspires me. I try to be the kind of mom she is.
    Thank you!

  30. My brother is a big inspiration to me. He is on the autism spectrum, but despite that he has strong talents in music and technology. He has taught me that everyone has various strengths, and the differences in people are what make the world a more interesting place.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  31. My husband makes a difference in my life because of his genuine personality and the way he gives from the heart.

  32. My grandma is my inspiration. She has a brain aneurysm which prevents her from tasting or smelling and she still has the best outlook on everything.

  33. My Grandmother is my biggest inspiration - she's a cancer survivor

  34. My sister is my inspiration. She has been through alot and never wavered. She is an amazing nurse, is very caring, and always has my back.

  35. My mom has always inspired me. She has survived cancer, is strong in her faith, a great teacher and a wonderful mom.

  36. My gramndma was a very inspirational person in my life.

  37. My husband has been a great inspiration in my life.

  38. My parents inspire me! They are always so positive and have always put their kids first! I am grateful to them!

  39. My mom inspires me, she is an amazing mom to me and my eleven siblings!

  40. I have a close friend who truly inspires me.
    She is 80 and is involved in many things and still makes time for her friends.
    thank you

  41. My daughter inspires me because she is so positive about everything.

  42. My mother is an inspiration to me. She has such a good heart and tries never to judge people.

  43. My two college-aged kids inspire me because they are going to college & get good grades as well as working nearly full-time jobs & keep a positive attitude about everything! They also help out at home with anything needed!

  44. My mother because she goes out of her way to help so many people and never asks anything in return.

  45. The most inspirational person in my life was my sweet 80 year old Nana, she has been the rock in my life since my birth and life is now so tough without her. She passed away in May and it's the hardest thing in life to cope with. She had the biggest heart out of anyone I have ever known and she was the strongest possible person I have ever encountered! Starla/starla.bates AT

  46. My son is my inspiration in my life. He has severe autism and Epilepsy. That doesn't stop him from enjoying life. He keeps learning.

  47. My daughter is the most inspirational person, as she makes me want to be a better person

  48. I am blessed and surrounded by inspirational people. My father was born into abject poverty - one of 16 kids and went on to send his daughter to college and give back to everyone he ever met.

  49. When I was in college, I had a professor that inspired me to choose my career due to her teachings in social work. She was a very giving person, both in the classroom and our community. She inspired me to give back and not always look for the rewards as the rewards were in the giving :)

  50. I used to always say my hubby inspired me, but over the past year my teen daughter inspires me even more! She has swum competitively for years...and on her high school swim team over the past 3 years - so many practices & meets and so little complaining. And she is now looking into various colleges at their architecture programs! She has helped to lead her high school architecture club, and even spent the month of July taking a college level art & architecture course. She inspires me to continue to go after my dreams, just as she herself is doing!

  51. My dad is the most inspirational person in my life, he raised me as a single father from a young age and has so much strength and integrity.

  52. My Mother is always there for anyone that needs help.

  53. My mom is the inspirational person in my life.

  54. my inspirational person is my life is my dad, he is the greatest and I wish I could be more like him

  55. I work for a disabled man who inspires me every day because of what he can do.


  57. My mother inspires me daily as she is a fighter even after all of the tragedy she has been through.

  58. My husband inspires and ecourages me mentally and spiritually. He is a big inspiration and supporter in my life.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24