Thursday, November 10, 2016

Teach Kids to Give Thanks with a Handprint Thankful Tree Kids Craft

It's the season of giving thanks, and what a great season that is! A season to reflect on all of the blessings in our lives, and give thanks to God for each and every one.

For the past several years, November 1st marks the beginning of the social media posts sharing one thing they are thankful for each and every day of the month. I always love reading these, and while I'm not participating myself this year, I have found that writing down those blessings can really help to give us a good view of all the good things- big and small- that we can be thankful for.

Those visual reminders can be great for kids too! So today, I'm sharing a simple craft that will help kids remember everything that they too have to be thankful for!

Handprint Thankful Tree

  • Construction Paper (various fall colors)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Marker
  1. Start off by creating your tree trunk. Trace your little one's hand/arm onto brown construction paper. Cut out.
  2. Glue this tree trunk onto another piece on construction paper (white or black works best). 
  3. Now cut out your leaves. If you have a Silhouette or similar, you can save time by using this, but keep in mind, they don't have to be perfect.
  4. Have your little one think about what they are thankful for. On each leaf, write one thing.
  5. When your leaves are filled out, start gluing them one by one onto the branches (fingers). Feel free to add a couple to the ground is a FALL tree after all.

That's it! Hang it on the fridge as a reminder each day of this thankful season to be thankful for all things.

What other fun ideas do you have for teaching your little ones to be thankful?


  1. Oh I love this!! My son would have so much fun with it!! I would too!! I could do it every year and watch the things he is thankful for grow :) Right now I think candy would be on there at least twice lol!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24