Wednesday, January 25, 2017

DIY Floral Bible Band

I've been Bible journaling for over a year now, and it's safe to say that my journaling Bible (the one I journal in regularly at least) has grown quite a bit--- with the embellishments, the washi, the puffy seems to have doubled in size! I thought it seemed like just about time to make myself a little something to help keep it all together---

DIY Floral Bible Band

  • Fold Over Elastic
  • Flowers
  • Felt Circles (optional)
  • Hot Glue
  1. First, measure and cut your elastic to fit your Bible.
  2. Using hot glue, glue the two ends together to form a band---make sure the elastic is not twisted. 
  3. Now its time to glue on the flowers. You can find these at various craft stores, or online (where you find supplies for headbands). If you happen to already have felt circles, you can use those to have a larger surface glued, but you can do without if you prefer. Add one, or as many as you like! You can also add jewels or buttons, whatever you like. 
  4. Wrap around your Bible.

If you're already familiar with headband making, this is basically the same thing--- just a different purpose! And not just for Bibles either. That happens to be what I'm using mine for, but they are also great for planners, journals...any book really! This particular band is more decorative, but stay tuned for more DIY Bible/Planner Bands that serve a little more function too!


  1. They can really be used as a beautiful bookmark can't they? You've put together a lovely color combination.

  2. They can really be used as a beautiful bookmark can't they? You've put together a lovely color combination.

  3. Omgosh its so pretty!! What a genius idea!! I would've never thought that a headband design could make such a gorgeous bookmark!!

  4. Great idea where can I find fold over elastic I want to make it

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24