Resolutions, goals for the year... whatever you want to call them, most of us probably make them, right? We start out the new year with these grand plans of how THIS will the year that we make big things happen. We make goals to become more organized. We make goals to be healthier. We make goals to be better.
These are great goals of course, but by the time February or March rolls around? Well, chances are many of those goals are just a forgotten memory. Why is that despite our best intentions, many of us cannot seem to stick to it? As I've thought about all of those things I want to accomplish myself in 2017, I've pondered that question as well. And I came up with two primary reasons-at least for myself:
First, we so often set too many goals or goals that are far from reach. When you have a list of 20 resolutions, it's really hard to give each of these the attention they require to get done isn't it? Or if we make that plan to work out every single day, but haven't touched a pair of tennis shoes in 5 years...well, that's a big leap isn't it? It's not that it's a bad goal to have, it's just one that we are perhaps not quite ready to meet yet.
Secondly, we so often set out to do it alone. I will organize my house. I will give up fast food. I will run every day. I will change my life. The key word in each of these goals, good as they may be is I. We set out with this idea that we can and we will do it all on our own, without any help.
So, how DO we accomplish these goals then? Today, I'm sharing 4 simple tips:
- Create Attainable Goals. I'm a dreamer, so I most definitely understand setting big goals... but I also know myself. If I set a goal too difficult, I'm going to be frustrated and just give up. If I can't do it right, why do it at all? I'm sure I'm not the only one! So instead, I set smaller goals, with that larger goal in the back of my mind. Rather than saying I'm going to run every single day, I will instead say that I will start running, once a week, or three times a week--- whatever I feel is attainable at that point in time. Rather than say I absolutely, positively will NOT have fast food at all this year, I might instead say I will limit myself to __ times a month- again, whatever best fits your lifestyle. While I've never dieted, one of the things I've heard most often from those who do is that if you restrict yourself too much, you will ultimately get frustrated and fail. I think that same holds true not just for health and fitness goals, but for every goal we set. You have to give yourself just a few those smaller, more attainable goals to meet where you are RIGHT NOW, so that in time you can be closer to the goals you truly want to reach.
- Give Yourself Grace. Try as we might, we are only human and sometimes life happens. We slip up. Let's take a look at another example goal that many set--- to read the Bible daily. This is a wonderful goal, perhaps one of the greatest. But what do you think God thinks when we miss a day? Does he hold it against us? Of course not. He shows us His grace. He wouldn't say, 'Ooops, missed a day or a week now, might as well just give up for the year'. No, He would want you to just keep going, start each day as a new day. This is how we should be too. If you slip up on one of your goals, don't just give up. Try again. You don't have to wait for January 1st. Just keep going. I think so often we give up on our resolutions for this reason, we think we've already messed up...why keep going? Aren't we glad that God doesn't think that way? We shouldn't think of ourselves this way either.
- Don't Do It Alone. 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' I just love this verse, don't you? It's one of those verses that many of us can recite by memory. But do we actually live it? Maybe we repeat it to ourselves in times of struggles, but what about in every day, small things or New Years resolutions? God isn't just with us for the big things, He is with us through ALL things. When you're struggling with your goals, talk to Him about it. Lean on Him. You may not be able to do it all on your own, but keep your eyes on God, and His plans for you.
- Come Up with One Little Word. One Little Word is a word that you focus on, work on and pray on throughout the year. For many it is a great alternative to resolutions, but it can also be a great addition to them and helping you to accomplish these through the year. Is your main goal to get your life organized? Perhaps 'Simplify' is a good choice. Think of the goals that are most important to you and come up with a word that you can pray on that can best help you accomplish them. (You can read more about my One Little Word and why I chose it here.)
This year, rather than setting yourself up for failure with goals you are not ready to meet and relying only on yourself, give it all to God. Let Him show you His plans for your life, keep the focus on Him every day.
This month's Illustrated Faith Monthly Devotional Kit is the perfect way to get started. Take a look:

This month's Illustrated Faith Monthly Devotional Kit is the perfect way to get started. Take a look:

Walk through this 14-day devotional journey greatly anticipating God to meet you right where you are as you set daily, monthly, and yearly goals, and as devotional writer, Bailey Jean, graciously leads all to get eyes and hearts focused on the ultimate goal, Jesus Christ. "The rest of our goals don't matter if we aren't set on THE goal. May our goals point to Him. May our goal be MORE of Him." —Bailey Jean
1 plastic pouch
1 devotional booklet
1 clear stamp collection
1 roll of washi tape
1 sheet of cut-out paper pieces
2 cardstock sticker sheets
3 tip-ins
1 magnet
1 thank you card from Shanna

As you can see, the kit looks a little bit different this month! Gone are the ink pads, scripture cards and little brown box...and instead we see sticker sheets, tip in, a magnetic bookmark and a zipper pouch, all in a fabulous new package! This new look is perfect for the new year, and this new kit is the perfect way to motivate us to get our goals started off right. With it's fun colors and even more fun shoe design, it might just be the best one yet!
The Illustrated Faith Goals with Grace kit is available to purchase now.
Want to save? Use the code IFSHIPSFREE for Free Shipping on Illustrated Faith!

Do you make resolutions? Do you keep them? How can these tips and this kit help you to get this year off to the best start?

The Illustrated Faith Goals with Grace kit is available to purchase now.
Want to save? Use the code IFSHIPSFREE for Free Shipping on Illustrated Faith!

Do you make resolutions? Do you keep them? How can these tips and this kit help you to get this year off to the best start?
I do!! Usually small ones, I don't always go through with them but i sure try!! This year i am hoping to go back to school so we shall see!! I do love this kit it's just gorgeous!!