Thursday, February 16, 2017

NIV Investigator's Holy Bible {An Easter Gift Guide Review}

**Book received for review. All thoughts are 100% my own. 
Easter will be here before we know it, and for those of us who like to plan ahead, that means its time to start thinking about Easter baskets. So, in celebration I am introducing my first ever Easter Gift Guide- featuring family friendly products that are ideal for Easter baskets! Outside toys, fun jewelry and toys, and of course- inspirational gifts to remember the reason we celebrate! What better way to start this guide off than with Bibles perfect for kids of all ages!?

In our household, Bibles are a big thing. I have personally been collecting them since I was in high school, and my oldest child started his own collection just a few years back at around 8 years old. He is always searching for unique new Bibles to add to his collection. The NIV Investigator's Bible was a perfect fit:

Have you ever used a magnifying glass? It makes everything bigger and easier to see, right? Detectives and scientists magnify things to understand them better. Well that’s just what this Bible does—it’s a magnifying glass to help children understand the Word of God better.

The Bible is a gift from God, but many of the things written in the Bible are hard for kids to understand. In fact, sometimes they’re downright mysterious to kids. Using kid-friendly language and a detective theme, the two color NIV Investigator’s Holy Bible explains the Bible text for kids ages 6–10. Two central mystery-solving characters invite children to investigate the Bible using the following features:

  • Evidence—Bible book introductions answer what kind of book it is, who wrote it, what happens, and the “best part”
  • Breakthrough—answers questions kids might ask, such as “Who were the Philistines?” and “What is The Spirit of God?”
  • Scene—includes descriptions highlighting geographical information pertinent to a verse
  • Witness—explains the meaning and history behind Biblical names
  • Detective—quizzes students on what they have learned
  • Case Closed—explores how the events of a particular book of the Bible relate to children as individuals

As a child, I LOVED a good mystery! It was so fascinating to me to look at the clues and try to figure out how it all went together. Even now, I love a good law show. From these we know there are many key factors that work into a good mystery. What is the evidence? What are we looking at? Why is it important? What was the scene? What clues can we gather from where it all went down? Who were the witnesses, and what do they have to do with the case at hand? And when all is said and done and the case is closed...what did we learn from it? What a fun and unique way to take on the Bible. If you think about it, for kids today, the Bible really IS a bit of a mystery! These stories are so foreign from the world in which we are living- where everything is technology based and information is so readily available to them. How can these people, these places and the events mean anything to them? That truly is the mystery and this Bible can help to break it down and solve the case in a way that not only makes sense to children, but is fun for them too. My son is already loving his new Bible and looks forward to continuing to work through it.

If you have a little one who loves a good mystery, this Bible is a GREAT choice to help them dig deeper into the Word!

NIV Investigator's Holy Bible is available to purchase now.


  1. Super fun!! I was big on mysteries as a kid and totally still am!! What a fun way to engage the children!!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24