Summer is off to a great start for us here! After what seemed like nonstop rain for weeks, we were lucky enough to get a great rain free first week of summer vacation... but not for long! The rain is back on its way, which means this mama needs to find more ways to keep the kids from the inevitable, 'Mom, I'm BOOOOORED...'
No one wants to hear those dreaded words, right?
When weather keeps us inside, there are three go-to activities that we tend to lean towards to keep us busy:
- Art Projects. We keep a good supply of simple craft supplies like popsicle sticks, googly eyes, pom poms, pipe cleaners and of course- crayons and coloring books so that we can get creative and make something work. We're also big fans of saving and reusing everyday essentials like toilet paper rolls and egg cartons. Keep all of these things readily available for fun summer projects!!!
- Movie Day. Of course we don't want our kids sitting in front of the TV all summer long, but here and there it's fun to have a movie day right at home. Pop some popcorn, and perhaps even keep some theater candy hidden in the pantry to a fun experience right at home.
- Science Experiments. This might just be the favorite in my house. Especially for my son. He LOVES science, and doing fun at home experiments. This is a great way to spend those rainy days because not only are they having a blast, but they are learning something too. But... how many baking soda volcanoes can you make in one summer before the appeal starts to run out? Wouldn't it be great if there were always new science experiments for our kiddos to experience...without having to head to the store for supplies?
Today, I am excited to introduce you all to Groovy Lab in a Box:

Groovy Lab in a Box, the award-winning educational kits about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is presented in partnership with POPULAR MECHANICS for KIDS. Their STEM subscription box is interactive, hands-on and incorporates scientific inquiry and the engineering design process. Science Made Fun for Kids ages 8+.
Each month, they send out a themed box filled with investigations that are fun and hands on. The investigations culminate into an Engineering Design Challenge, where your STEMists must apply what they've learned from the investigations (and use their critical thinking skills) to complete the challenge. The boxes contain everything you need to complete all of the activities, including a groovy retro-themed lab notebook. The box activities are supplemented with their a Box web portal where your children will find videos, interactives and additional activities. Head over to Groovy Lab in a Box's website to learn more about this great service!
Recently, we were given the chance to try out one of their boxes appropriately called, 'It's Electric'! As you can guess, this was all about electricity and was packed full of all of the supplies we needed for each activity.
First up, we learned about static electricity with a simple balloon experiment. While these boxes are recommended for ages 8+ for good reasons, my almost 4-year-old daughter actually loved that this was one experiment she could help with! Her longer hair was perfect to show how static electricity worked.
Next up was something a little more complicated. While the instructions are very detailed and easy to follow, I would still say this is a good parent/child activity in general. So we worked together to create a paper circuit. I'm not going to lie, even as an adult, looking at the pieces laid out I was a little intimidated that it would be difficult to complete, but truly the instructions guided us right along with helpful hints along the way. It did take some time to complete, which isn't necessarily a bad thing... it keeps us busy and focused longer. The end result- a fun light up Albert Einstein picture! And let me tell you, we LOVED this! As I said, my son loves science and knows all about Albert Einstein (he's even said when he starts driving, his license plate will say EMC2), so that was a really fun added extra for him, but even if it was just a piece of paper and lights, he would have been thrilled, he loved learning how electricity worked and putting it into action himself.
We still have two more experiments we are saving for a rainy day, but I can say without question that we are hooked! My son loves that it's fun, and I love that its educational. And with a new box each month, there are always new activities to explore!
Want to learn more? Check out the links below:
• Facebook: https://www.facebook .com/GroovyLabinABox
• Twitter: roovyLabinABox
• Pinterest: http://www.pinteres
• Instagram: m/GroovyLabinabox
• YouTube: om/user/GroovyLabinaBox
• Tumblr: http://groovylabinabox
And I have even more exciting news!
Our friends at Groovy Lab in a Box are hosting a sweepstakes where you can win a one-year subscription! All you have to do is type in your email address, and you are entered.
Click here to enter to win a one-year subscription from Groovy Lab in a Box!
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24