Monday, August 7, 2017

DIY Cinnamon Vanilla Lip Scrub

It's no secret that I love my homemade beauty products! I'll be honest, I love pampering myself, but my budget doesn't always allow for splurges, do why not utilize the products already in my kitchen?

Today, I'm sharing my newest creation that I am obsessed with:

Cinnamon Vanilla Lip Scrub

  • Brown Sugar
  • Coconut Oil
  • Vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  1. Mix ingredients to the proper consistency. As with most of my DIY recipes, I don't tend to use exact measurements, but rather eye it until it has the right consistency. For this scrub, you'll want it grainy enough for a good exfoliation, but not too rough as lips are a little more sensitive.
  2. Store in airtight container. (See some great ones here: Infinity Jars)
  3. Use as often as desired.
While I created this primarily as a lip scrub, I actually use it all over my face as truly is just a great all around exfoliater. But your lips will most definitely thank you. They will be softer than ever before... and if you happen to get a little taste...well, there will be no complaints there either!

Now that you've exfoliated your lips, why not treat them to some great color! Head on over and enter the Lipsense Giveaway ending TODAY! 


  1. This looks gorgeous! In the photo, it almost looks like something that would (could?) be used as a topping on something like a coffee cake. And I love the combination of flavors-- just right for this time of year, when we're sort of nearing the end of Summer but not quite ready for Fall.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24