Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Enjoy Back to School with a Fandango Giveaway { #rwm #backtoschool }

Welcome to the Back to School Giveaway Hop

From now through August 30, hop along to all participating bloggers to enter all their great giveaways! Good luck and happy hopping!


School is back in session! Well, for many of us anyway! Moms, give yourself a pat on the back. You survived! You survived the bug bites! You survived trips to the grocery store with all the children in tow. You survived the summer boredom. Maybe you even survived a family vacation. Whatever it is, you made it!!

Of course it won't be long before things pick back up with fall activities but well- let's think positive shall we!? We have at least a few week to recoup and have some US time- at least if you happen to have all school aged children. So... what are you going to do with this new found time? Why not a trip to the theater!?

Now I love a good family movie as much as the next mama (maybe more!) but sometimes it's nice to go out on your own or with a couple girlfriends and enjoy something a little more grown up. Maybe a horror film you've been dying to see or the latest romance!?

And so as part of this back to school giveaway hop, one very lucky reader is going to win a $25 Fandango gift card!! Enter using the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery.


  1. What a great giveaway. My son and I love to go see movies. Thanks for the chance.

  2. Thanks for your participation in this giveaway!! I would love to win this!!!

  3. My family and I love going to movies! I still have to see the Beauty and the Beast movie.

  4. I would love to go see a movie with my husband! We never get to go!

  5. My Mom and I love to go to the movies together; it's been a favorite pastime since I was a little girl.

  6. We use Fandango all the time. Thanks for the chance to win.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  7. Ashley Chassereau ParksAugust 16, 2017 at 11:20 PM

    I love going to the movies!! Its so fun to take my kids! They love to share a popcorn and giggle at a good cartoon!

  8. We just finished moving our kids into their new apartment for college. It's back to school time!

  9. I would love to take my son to the movies. Thanks.

  10. I love going to the movies as a family! We always have so much fun!

  11. Thanks for the opportunity! I am such a huge movie fan. I would love to go see the movie IT.

  12. I've never used Fandango before but I've heard great things! Thanks for this chance.

  13. I'd love to take my niece to go see a movie soon :)

  14. Would love to take my boyfriend on a movie date!

  15. Would love to take the kids to see cars 3

  16. There are a couple of movies coming out that I want to see.

  17. I'd love to see the next minions movie.

  18. I love to go to the movies in the summer. They have the best AC!

  19. We use Fandango to get our movie tickets. There are some good movies coming up in the next few months.

  20. I'd love to see a movie before school starts.
    Thank you!

  21. This would be great for going to the movies.

  22. I would save the gift card to buy advanced tickets for Star Wars: The Last Jedi when they go on sale (which will hopefully be soon!).

  23. We enjoy going to the movies and a Fandango GC would definitely come in handy. Thanks.

  24. I haven't been to the movies for along time. This would be so nice to win!

  25. Movies are so expensive to go to any more. This would help.
    Thanks for the contest.
    slehan at juno dot com

  26. This would be a great present for my 12 year old. She has a list of new movies coming out that she wants to see. In the last month we have been to The Enoji movie and Wonder Woman. She really wants to see Spiderman but I just can not bring myself to sit through it.

  27. So I accidentally left the wrong link in the comment daily box. haha. I commented on the August 15 Mickey post. :D

  28. Thank you for the blog hop! I love finding new giveaways and sites.

  29. Have not been to the movies in ages. Would love to use for a date night

  30. Thanks for having this great giveaway.

  31. Thanks for the chance to win.. I LOVE movies!

  32. I would love to have a night out! Thanks for the chance and for your fabulous site!

  33. We love the movies! My kids are wanting to see the Emoji movie

  34. Will this offer going to start from the next month? My kids are so much excited you know. I am a busy mom with outdoor and indoor work. So, I want to get a chnce of it...

    Sweet bathroom

  35. Back to school season has started. This is the most memorable times from child hood.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I will try to this offer next week because I am very busy for do my home work. Thank you for share a very beautiful and helpful information.

    Reviews Classic


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24