We see hatred in situations like those in Charlottesville. We see increases in crime. Just this past week there was a threat of violence towards our local high school. As parents, it makes us want to lock up our children and never let them out of the house. Never mind the drugs and other negative influences that seem to be starting at an earlier and earlier age. Yes, it would be so easy to just let this fear overrule our parenting and have us living in constant fear of allowing our children to experience the world.
But if we are to be the salt and the light... well, what good can we possibly be if we are hidden?
Still, how do we get past those fears and start to parent fearlessly? In their new book Fearless Parenting, George Barna and Jimmy Myers explore just that:

Fearless Parenting
by George Barna and Jimmy Myers
We long to bring up our children as good Christians and good citizens, but it's an uphill battle. In a culture of rampant narcissism and moral anarchy, righteous living isn't easy and isn't popular. If we want to see our children grow up with their faith intact, we cannot afford to simply react, making it up as we go along. We must approach parenting with intentionality and consistency. In this hopeful book, world-renowned researcher George Barna and nationally respected counselor Jimmy Myers offer a plan of action to raise healthy, godly children in our morally bankrupt culture.
For those parents like myself who truly have wondered what it would take to put their kids in life size bubbles before sending them out--- this book is for US. It is a great read that will help us to not live- or parent- in constant fear. It looks at both facts and research and real life experiences and stories to truly relate to us on all levels. I actually really appreciated this multi sided aspect of things because while I tend to be lead more by my emotions, it's great to have those numbers and research too...something that others may need more!
Are you ready to start parenting without fear? Fearless Parenting is available to purchase now at your favorite Christian book retailers.
Do you feel like you're parenting in fear? What tips have you found to help? How can this book help?
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