Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Easy DIY Bentonite Clay Face Mask

Some of you might have realized that I love a good DIY scrub... they work well and are typically cheaper than what you can buy in store. Not to mention, more natural AND easy to customize to your specific beauty needs. Still, as much as I loved my scrubs... I decided to venture into something a little new for me- masks!

Now, there are many great mask ideas out there, but I decided I wanted to go for a clay mask. I had some bentonite clay already that I wanted to use, and I knew the great benefits it has for the skin:
  • It detoxifies.
  • It can unclog and shrink pores.
  • It can treat acne and prevent future breakouts.
  • It can even skin tone.
DIY Bentonite Clay Face Mask

  • water
  • bentonite clay
  • essential oils (I used tea tree and lavender)
  1. First up, you'll want to combine your water and your clay using a non-metal spoon. If you've not used bentonite clay before, it comes in a very fine powder you can easily add. You'll use about one part water, one part clay. Again, I never measure exactly but just eye it to the proper consistency. For this you'll want it smooth...not too thick, but not runny either. 
  2. Next add your essential oils- just a few drops, diluted properly to the size of your mix. I used tea tree which is great for acne and lavender which is great for sensitive skin. 
  3. Apply to your face and allow to dry for about 10-15 minutes. 
  4. Rinse off with warm water. 
This mask is super easy to make and makes your face feel great! Now that the kids are back in school, take a little time for you. Pamper yourself with this great mask.

Do you have a favorite DIY mask or other beauty DIY? I'd love to hear it and try it myself!


  1. Nice post, thanks so much for this sharing!

  2. It would be good with rose essential oil, too.
    slehan at juno dot com


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24