Okay ladies, today we're going to be talking about a not so fun topic... yeast infections.
Yikes, embarrassing right?
Let's be honest, it's not something most of us really want to talk about, let alone deal with! But before you skip over this post for something a little more pleasant, let's get real: they are EXTREMELY common. So common in fact that 3 out of 4 women will experience at least one in their life. So, it seems to me that maybe it's something we SHOULD be talking about! So, what causes them? There are many possible causes including:
- antibiotics
- pregnancy
- uncontrolled diabetes
- weak immune system
- poor eating habits (lots of sugary foods)
- hormonal imbalance near your period
- stress
- lack of sleep

For that, MONISTAT® comes to the rescue! When the first signs of a yeast infection pop up---itching, burning, and abnormal discharge--- we don't want to wait around. MONISTAT® offers a variety of products to cure the uncomfortable issue so you can be back to your best self! We all know that as women our needs and preferences vary greatly, but MONISTAT® has you covered regardless. They offer a variety of strengths- 1 day, 3 day or 7 day to best fit your needs. They also offer different forms such as Ovule®, cream or suppositories, to meet those specific needs.
But why choose MONISTAT®?
MONISTAT® relieves symptoms four times faster and works on more strains of yeast than the leading prescription and results in less drug resistance and fewer drug interactions than the leading prescription pill. Sounds like a good enough reason to me... truly, you had more at 'relieves faster'... we don't have time to let those uncomfortable symptoms hold us back, am I right? Is it any wonder that MONISTAT® is the #1 doctor recommended OTC brand? It has been in use for the treatment of vaginal yeast infections for over 40 years.
Please Note: **It is important to remember to always read and keep the cartons for complete warnings and dosing information on MONISTAT® products and to use as directed.**
While most of us would probably prefer to be that 1 in 4 that will never experience one, chances are not looking so good! But at least we can have our medicine cabinets prepared when they rear their ugly heads! You can find out more about the products offered and where to find them at the link below:
· MONISTAT® website
And to help you prepare your medicine cabinet, they are offering one lucky reader the chance to win a $25 virtual visa gift card (can be used online anywhere Visa is accepted). Enter using the giveaway form below:
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ReplyDeleteI had no idea about the causes and how many there are.
I can't believe how many causes there are.
ReplyDeleteI've never tried it, but I might now.
ReplyDeleteUncontrolled diabetes surprised me. Good to know..Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThe possible causes are a bit alarming considering I can relate to at least three of the causes. I used to get infections from time to time when I was younger but thankfully haven't had one in years.