Tuesday, October 3, 2017

It's a Spooktacular Fandango Giveaway! {A Giveaway Hop Event} #rwm #SPOOKtacular

Welcome to the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop hosted by The Review Wire Media.

From now through October 17th, hop along to all participating bloggers for the chance to win some spooktacular prizes! Good luck and happy hopping!


What's your favorite scary movie?

To be honest, these days I don't watch a whole lot of scary movies, but as Halloween approaches, we find ourselves rewatching some old favorites. My top pick? Probably the Final Destination movies. Though to be honest, I prefer fun Halloween movies like Ghostbusters or Hocus Pocus instead. But truly, is there any better time of the year to scare yourself silly?

According to Box Office Mojo, the top 10 best selling horror movies of all time are:

1. The Sixth Sense
2. War of Worlds
3. I Am Legend
4. IT (2017)
5. Jaws
6. The Exorcist
7. Signs
8. Hannibal
9. Se7en
10. The Conjuring 2

Does you favorite make the list? Is there a movie you were surprised didn't make the cut?

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No matter your favorite, today's giveaway is going to give you the chance for a spooktacular Halloween trip to the theater. One lucky winner will receive a $25 Fandango gift card. Enter using the Giveaway Tools form below:


  1. I love this time of year! My kids would enjoy a trip to the movies.

  2. I love October, leaves start falling,cooler temperatures, and get to take my kids Trick or Treating

  3. I would love to go and treat my kids to a movie.

  4. This fandango gift card would be useful to watch scary movies! Out of your list I like The Sixth Sense.

  5. It's hard to choose just one! There are just so many I love! I will have to go with resident evil.

  6. The Shining is my favorite horror movie. It scared me when I watched it along time ago and it still gives me the willies when I watch it.

  7. I would love to win a fandango gift card.

  8. I would love to take my Granddaughter to the movies.

  9. Would like to save money for the movies, thanks!

  10. I really like Night of the Living Dead, but I haven't watched it in forever

  11. My favorite scary movies are The Conjuring and The Ring. We love Fandango gift cards!

  12. There are so many good movies out right now, would be great to win this.

  13. Like to see movies but they are so expensive. This would help.
    Thanks for the contest.
    slehan at juno dot com

  14. I have always liked War of the Worlds but there are a few that I was surprised that didn't make the list.

  15. We love going to the movies! It makes for a fun date night.

  16. subscribe email: slehan at excite dot com

  17. My favorite scary movie is The Ring.

  18. I love your blog, and you have such fabulous giveaways.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24