Monday, November 13, 2017

How Even The Busiest Moms Can Make Time For Self Care

When you became a mother, your children became the center of your world. While this fills you to the brim with joy and satisfaction, this fulfillment may have taken the place of your own self care. You might eventually find yourself exhausted, disheveled, and maybe even resentful of your children.

Most people judge your trustworthiness in a tenth of a second, and you don’t want this impression to be tainted by crankiness and exhaustion. More importantly, you don’t want to change your impression of yourself. By finding time to take care of yourself, you will be a healthier person and more energetic mother.

"The moment you become a mother and commit to caring for your child, set an intention for yourself: I will honor and respect myself by regularly taking care of my needs. This will make me happier and better able to care for my family," Julie Burton, author of The Self-Care Solution: A Modern Mother's Must-Have Guide to Health and Well-Being, said in a statement to Parents.

"As moms, we have an enormous opportunity to set a great example for our children of how to be kind to ourselves, and in turn, how to be kind to others. As the saying goes, we can't pour from an empty cup," Burton added.

It sounds good in theory, but how can you actually put that principle into practice? The following are some simple, intentional changes that you can make in your life to create more time for yourself.

  1. Get out of the house. Especially when you are a new mother, it’s easy to stay inside all day, caring for the baby or resting while the baby sleeps. But this can make you feel cramped and frustrating. Put the baby in a strolled or carrier and go for a walk. Even an hour of fresh air or coffee with a friend will be beneficial for both of you.

  1. Find a gym with a childcare center. Pregnancy and motherhood take a toll on your body. With 80% of the U.S. population experiencing back pain in their lifetime, mothers are certainly vulnerable to these aches and pains. The solution? Keep your body strong and moving. When you head to the gym, you can enjoy your wellness routine while your children play in the childcare room.

  1. Schedule your sleep. You’ve likely heard this golden rule from other moms, but it could not be more essential. If you feed your baby at 7 p.m. and they are asleep by 8 p.m., that is a prime opportunity for you to sleep too. Your sleep schedule will likely not be the same as it was before you had a child, which is okay.

  1. Schedule grooming appointments. The reality is that if you don’t schedule your haircuts, you might not attend at all. You deserve to feel amazing, so book times to pamper yourself. If you’ve been scrolling through Instagram staring at the more than 3 million posts tagged #brows and even the 600,000 tagged #browsonfleek, book an eyebrow waxing and post a photo. Moms can feel fabulous too.

  1. Find comfortable clothes that you love. Comfort is essential when you are chasing kids around, but that does not mean you can’t feel confident. Look for comfortable clothes that help you feel beautiful and strong, rather than frumpy and tired. This boost can make all the difference.

  1. Join a group with other moms. Never underestimate the importance of a support system. Join a mother’s group to chat, bond, and swap tips with other moms. You may also consider signing your children up for a playgroup. This way, the kids can play and the mother’s can spend time together.

  1. Find joy in the little moments. Remember that self care doesn’t need to be frequent trips to the spa and luxurious shopping trips. Caring for yourself can come as a cup of coffee, a new pair of slippers, and a morning walk with your baby. Slow down and cherish these little moments.

Above all, remember that you deserve and need these moments of self care. You are not neglecting your child by taking this time for yourself. Rather, you are making yourself a stronger and healthier individual.

"Most moms feel this d**ned-if-I-do, d**ned-if-I don't pressure relating to their decision to work or stay home, and almost all mothers, regardless of work status, struggle with feelings of guilt when they take time away from their children to practice self-care," Burton concluded.


  1. YES!! This is so so important!! Cannot give to your family on an empty tank! I am just now learning this!

  2. When my daughter was a baby I belonged to a local group for first-time mommies. It was so much fun. We learned from each other. It is very important to take care of yourself too.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24