Monday, December 4, 2017

Frugal Homemade Christmas: DIY Cardboard Wrapping Paper Ornaments

This next installment of the Frugal Homemade Christmas Tree series is honestly an idea I thought of at the very last minute. After doing my garland, pine cones and cinnamon dough, I'd planned on actually just adding some simple balls, but it just didn't feel like it went. Still, I needed some color. I considered adding a cranberry garland, but that would have cost more than I could spend. I then thought of painted salt dough ornaments, but I wanted something different than the cinnamon dough. After a little brainstorming I came up with the perfect solution using items I already had in my home...

DIY Cardboard Wrapping Paper Ornaments

  • Cardboard
  • Wrapping Paper
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue
  • Twine/Ribbon
  • Glue Stick
  • Stencil/Cookie Cutter
  1. First up, choose your shape. I decided to keep it simple with a circle, but you can have fun with it. I used a mason jar lid as my stencil, drawing circles onto an old cardboard box. Cut those out.
  2. Now, do the same with the wrapping paper. 
  3. Once everything is cut out, start gluing the wrapping paper onto the cardboard with glue stick. 
  4. Tie loops into your string/ribbon. Glue to the back. (I used the same Dollar Store twine I used for my cinnamon dough ornaments). If you have a strong enough hole punch, that could be a much better option too, but I did not. 
  5. Tie on a bow to the front for an extra festive look. 
  6. Hang on the tree. If you'd like, you can do a double sided ornament with the glued hanger in the center, but I just left them as they were and hung in a way that only the front was visible. 
Let's be honest, these are nothing fancy at all, but they were JUST what my tree needed! I had buffalo plaid wrapping paper which truly went perfectly with the look I was going for this year. As I mentioned before, I love doing themed trees, but theme ornaments can be very pricey- with the right wrapping paper, this is a VERY inexpensive option. You can also use old books or even sheet music too! 

Because I already had everything on hand, this particular project for me was absolutely free!

Find more from my Frugal Homemade Christmas series in the posts below:

DIY Popcorn Gardland


  1. Great idea, I've been wanting to add some different decorations but also didn't want to spend a whole lot of money, this is the perfect solution!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24