Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Finding Your Creativity in the New Year {A Creative Journals Review}

**Books received for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own. 

Did you set any resolutions for the year?

Maybe you want to get fit? Or to read more? Or maybe learn a new skill? What better time than the new year to work towards becoming a better version of you?

If you have a goal of inspiring creativity, or starting to journal, or even to strengthen your relationship with God, I have two journals to share that are the perfect match!

First up, The Daily Question:

This keepsake daily journal prompts you to record what is happening in your heart and spirit. The short questions at the top of each page are quick to answer—but their impact could be life changing! You’ll go back and answer the same question a year later for five years in a row, creating a time capsule of soul transformation.
With questions about…

·  your view of yourself (“What three words would people use to describe you?”),
·  your view of God (“What attribute of God are you thankful for today?”),
·  your current circumstances (“Who do you wish you could talk to today?”)

…this journal keeps a beautiful record of your hopes, thoughts, and spiritual journey.
When starting to journal, the real question for so many is where to start. We spend so much time looking at a blank page wondering where to begin. This journal is the perfect starting point. Starting with January 1 all through the year you are given one simple question to respond to. These are short questions with short answers so they also help with that other obstacle of finding time. And if you happen to miss a day, you can quickly catch up.

Still, there are many journals with prompts and I'm sure some are even daily for the year too... so why this one? Unlike typical daily journals that last only a year, this one lasts for five. Once you've gone through once, you start over--- there are spaces under each question to respond for five years. This allows you to reflect upon how you have grown throughout the year and truly document your spiritual journey. I love that! Because you are answering the same questions five times, it truly is the most accurate way, I think!

You can find out more purchase your copy at your favorite Christian book retailers. 

Next Up, the 30 Days to Peace One Month Creative Journal:

 A Creative Journey to Peace

In our loud and busy lives, it’s easy to miss the life-giving breeze of peace. That’s what this interactive journal is for. It’s about slowing down and taking time to pursue and embrace peace. It’s about welcoming the call to be a peacemaker. It’s about finding a peace rooted in faith rather than circumstances and living out that miracle every day. This is an invitation to create, write, doodle, and draw your way into the deep, lasting peace of God.

If you're looking for some more in depth journaling, this journal might be more up your alley. Like The Daily Question each day begins with a question or prompt. Still, this journal gives much more space to truly reflect and dig deeper into that prompt. From writing your thoughts, making lists, illustrating... this journal allows you the freedom to thoroughly reflect on the subject of peace. It lasts for only a month, but again just allows you to truly find that peace you need to start the new year! It is a beautiful journal that is sure to be a great part of your spiritual journey this year.

You can also purchase this journal at your favorite Christian book retailers.

Did you resolve to be more creative or to grow your faith this year? How could these journals help you? 


  1. I think these journals would help reinforce anyones faith or help those perhaps struggling
    ellen beck

  2. Blogs are something that I like to read. People describe a lot here.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24