Monday, January 22, 2018

Very Veggie Bedtime Prayers {A Book Review + Giveaway}

**Book received for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own. 

"If you like to talk to tomatoes..."

Be honest, how many of you sang that in your head?

If you answered yes, chances are you or your children are Veggie Tales fans. For years Veggie Tales has been beloved by kids and grown ups alike for their silly characters and fun messages and Bible stories to learn from. I remember watching it myself as a kid, and now my kids enjoy it too. Sound like your family?

Then do I have a BOOK for you...

Very Veggie Bedtime Prayers!

This new VeggieTales book of bedtime prayers is perfect for easing the daily transition from playtime to sweet dreams. These rhyming, toddler-friendly prayers will help teach little ones the importance of talking to God every day. Colorful illustrations of familiar VeggieTales characters accompany the short, easily understood prayers. This collection is designed to help children reflect on their day and anticipate the day to come, with requests and gratitude for God’s guidance. With its soft padded cover and convenient size, this book is the perfect way to teach children about prayer and the ways God cares for us through the day—and as we sleep.

Like I said, we're a Veggie friendly family, so as soon as this book arrived on our doorstep, there was excitement all around. And oh yes, the kids were excited too. If you have kids you know, they LOVE their characters. They choose their favorites- whatever they might be- and want anything and everything to do with them. They learn from them because it's something they love. So, for the kids who love Veggie Tales, what better way to teach them about the importance of prayer? We see those same familiar faces we know and love, with easy to read and remember prayers to end the night. They are short and sweet--- perfect for bedtimes! My 4-year-old LOVES it and looks forward to reading it again each night.

And while she might one day outgrow these simple prayers--- and perhaps even Veggie Tales too--- it is starting in her a foundation to say her prayers every night--- something that she can take with her as she grows.

If you have a Veggie fan in your home, this book is a MUST. It is available to purchase now at your favorite Christian book retailers.

And one very lucky reader is going to win a copy for the little one in their life. Enter using the giveaway form below:


  1. Ashley Chassereau ParksJanuary 24, 2018 at 3:09 PM

    My 4 year old LOVES Veggie Tales! We even sing the song to get her to eat her vegetables at dinner! Lol She is very interested in Bible Stories and saying her prayers before bedtime now... I know she'd love this!

  2. My brother is a pastor and just had a baby girl. He would enjoy reading this with her!

  3. I would enjoy reading this to the grandchildren every night.

  4. My cousin loves Veggie Tales!


  5. What a response, that's what I was looking for, thanks to a friend!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24