Another great week down in the 100 Days of Bible Promises journal.
Here is a recap of this week's journaling:

Day 43: The Gift of Eternal Life
One of the first verses that many of us ever memorize is John 3:16, 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only son...' I think as kids we might know those words, but don't fully grasp just how big that is. I think since becoming a parent myself, I understand that even more because I know what it means to love a child. It puts it in perspective. No matter how great of a gift giver we may be, we can never compare to the greatest gift that was ever given- the gift of eternal life.
For this page, I wanted to use that idea of gifts with this cute little die cut. The background was created using the bubble wrap painting method and incorporating more of the colors already in the die cut.
Day 44: Cast Away Your Cares
I don't about you, but I'm a worry-er. I tend to take everything upon my shoulders and it weighs me down horribly. But the Bible tells us to cast all of our cares, all of our worries on God. Easier said than done, right? This is something I am constantly working on. Every day, several times a day, reminding myself that I do not have to carry it all on my own.
For this page (on the right), I couldn't help but think of the song 'Jesus Take the Wheel'. This was a song that I actually used to perform at my church as a teenager so it's always held a special place for me. It wasn't just the memories though, it was the words..
Jesus, take the wheel
Take it from my hands
'Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
And save me from this road I'm on
Jesus, take the wheel
I cannot tell you how many times throughout the years I've found myself belting out those words, and felt it to my very core.
I contemplated journaling the lyrics, but decided to go a little less literal and instead used this fantastic script sticker. I must admit, the page did not turn out quite as I had hoped, but the message is the most important thing.
Day 45: Jesus Has Overcome
He has overcome the world.
That's a pretty great message isn't it? When life is stressing us out and we wonder how much crazier things can get, we have the reassurance that Jesus has already won.
For the page (on the right), I really wanted to have the bold reminder. I'd already had the page on the left done, so I decided to carry that same style and color scheme onto the next for a more uniform look. Mostly, this page was all about the message... 'Don't forget: Jesus Won'. This is one of my favorite pages from this week.

Day 46: God Will Guide You
Do you ever feel like you're lost going through this life? It's like you've been put into a strange city without a map or a guide. Confusing. Overwhelming. But the Bible reminds us that God is always with us, guiding us on whatever adventures we find ourselves on.
For this page, I really wanted to incorporate the idea of maps and adventure. The Illustrated Faith All People All Nations collection was a great fit for that. I layered some of the gorgeous die cuts from that collection for this fun page. I loved this idea that life is a wild adventure guided by God... the ultimate guide.
Day 47: Enduring Through Trials
Sometimes it seems like life is a neverending series of trials. We get through one hard point, and another quickly follows. Sometimes it feels like we just cannot keep fighting through it all. We forget in the moment that God is with us, and that we can overcome. We WILL overcome.
For this page (on the left), I found myself singing the Mandisa song 'Overcomer':
You're an overcomer
Stay in the fight 'til the final round
You're not going under
'Cause God is holding you right now
You might be down for a moment
Feeling like it's hopeless
That's when he reminds you
That you're an overcomer
You're an overcomer
Such a great message, isn't it? It's a catchy tune that will get stuck in your head and you can find yourself singing when you need it. It's the perfect anthem...and so I felt it was perfect to journal here. I again decided to keep the same color scheme going from the previously done page, but I actually was pleasantly surprised with how great these messages went together too. We can endure through any temptation. We can endure through any trial. God's got this.
Day 48: God Is Watching You
This is a simple message that we have heard time and time again. God is always there, always watching.
For this page, I was reminded of an old hymn, His Eye Is On the Sparrow:
I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
Such a simple message, right? And I wanted to keep the page just as simple for this message with some bird die cuts. I've mentioned before that hand lettering is not one of my strengths so I enjoyed taking the opportunity to work on that with this page. It's nothing fancy, but I loved this simple look.
Day 29: Angels Watching Over You
Angels watching over us. That can often sound like a cliche, can't it? But as cliche as it sounds, there are many verses in the Bible sharing just the sentiment:
“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.” -Psalm 91:11-12
As cliche as it sounds, as much of an empty measure of comfort as it can sometimes sound like... there are truth in those words. Perhaps that is why so many find comfort in the visuals of angels. Growing up, we had a print in our house--- two kids crossing a bridge, with a guardian angel watching out for them. Many of you probably know just that image. I remember finding comfort in that image... knowing that like those children, I was protected.
For this page, I must admit I originally wanted to incorporate that art. However, I do not have a color printer to print a copy and my art skills are not anywhere near the ability to recreate it. So instead, I went with something a little less literal and added some beautiful feathers to represent the angel wings with that simple reminder that no matter what we are going through, we are always protected. Sometimes I think we need that reminder. I know I do.
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24