Being a '#GirlBoss' (a.k.a work at home mom, direct sales, freelance worker, etc), I hear this term a LOT. You can be successful if you just work harder! You can have everything you want if you just keep working it. There'll be time for sleep later, just make all the money. Hustle, hustle, hustle.
I mean, just take a look at some of these quotes I've found around the web that encourage people (particularly women) to just keep up with the HUSTLE:
"I like my money how I like my coffee. All day, every day."
"They call us dreamers, but we're the ones who don't sleep."
"Keep going until your bank account looks like your phone number."
"Don't get angry. Get money. Choose yourself, focus on improving your life and get committed to your goals. YOU are in control here."
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with working hard and having goals. There is nothing wrong with being successful. But take a look at those quotes again and especially at that last one... what's missing? All of the focus is on YOU. Doing it on your own. Making your own success. Following your own plans. Where is Christ in all of this hustle? What if your goals are not His for you? What if by working so hard to find monetary success, we are taking away time that could be spent with God?
I'm going to be 100% honest... I'm a workaholic. Now for someone who doesn't have what many would consider a 'real job' (outside of the home), that might be hard to imagine. But the reality is I am always working. I may not leave the home to do so, and I may not make a ton of money in any of them, but I actually have FOUR side jobs that I took on in an effort to help support my family when my husband's income was cut by more than half. I have this blog (my true passion), I have my jewelry business, I have a Facebook job--- those are my every week gigs. On occasion, I also do some photography work for my husband's shop. That's just my paid work. Throw in being a mom of two!? And trying to maintain a household? And a husband who is only home to help ONE day a week? Forget having time to rest, it's always something else to cross off my to do list. On top of everything that I have to do, I deal with severe anxiety, panic disorder, and migraines, in addition to chronic pain and other health issues. Over the last few months, I've really been struggling with this idea of 'hustle'. I realized that I just CANNOT do it all. Everything that had been piled onto my plate was weighing me down, affect my health physically and mentally. It wasn't good for me. But bills have to be paid, right? And if I slow will it get done?
So about a month ago, two things happened. First of all, I decided to slow down with all of these jobs... just see what would happen if I didn't work 24/7. Second of all, I started the 100 Days of Bible Promises journal and made the decision that no matter how busy, I would MAKE the time to spend in the Bible reading and journaling God's word. Journaling had always been very therapeutic for me, but with everything else I had going on I wasn't making time for it. I would journal maybe once a month, there were some points where it was a few months between journaling pages. Wow. After just a few days of making this decision, I could already feel a weight being lifted from my shoulders. Things were still stressful, things were still busy, my health was still bad... but it helped me to remind me that I'm not on my own and made me feel a little more hopeful.
On Day 17, the newest Illustrated Faith monthly devotional kit 'Less Hustle, More Jesus' arrived in my mailbox. This can only be described as God's timing! You see, not only did it go perfectly with everything I had been thinking on and praying about... Day 17s theme? He Supplies All Your Needs. Day 18? Worry...Or Peace? And Day 19? Trust in the Lord. If that's not God speaking to me, I don't know what is! This kit is all about trusting God to provide, trusting HIS plans for you, taking the time to find rest... everything that these three days encompassed... and everything that this worn out mama needed to hear. It made me realize that I needed to make some decisions and I needed to just trust God that no matter what He had us covered, just as He always has.
You know what happened immediately after journaling those first two pages and having some SERIOUS, down on my knees, take it all over prayer time over this idea of 'Less Hustle, More Jesus'? A letter arrived from the Social Security Administration to let us know that my son's hearing date to receive SSI had been scheduled for this summer... a hearing we'd been waiting on for 2 years now! When you trust God... things happen. They might happen slowly. They might still not be easy. And it might not be what you hope will happen... but it WILL happen.
If you need the reminder to rely more on God and less on your own hustle, this kit is a must see. Take a look:

Shanna Noel's Illustrated Faith 'Less Hustle More Jesus' devotional kit for May calls you to spend time in the Word and in God's presence, to experience His peace at all times and in every situation, and to rest. "...taking time to be still and just be in His presence is always worth the sacrifice." —Shanna Noel
1 thank you card from Shanna1 clear stamp collection3 heart-shaped tip-ins9 paper prompts8 paper pieces2 sheets cardstock stickers4 journaling cards4 devotional cards1 plastic holder
Not only do I love the theme of this kit, I love the actual pieces included as well. The colors are bright and vibrant and the designs are just stunning.You might notice that this kit does NOT include washi, BUT instead includes a full sized alphabet stamp set that MORE than makes up for it with two lettering styles! And when you purchase through Dayspring, you'll receive a FREE digital printable too for even more journaling goodness! This is definitely a new favorite for me, and I hope you all love it as well.
It is available to purchase now at Dayspring. Be sure to use IFSHIPSFREE for free shipping on your order! Want the 100 Days Journal I talked about in this post? It is also available at Dayspring and goes GREAT with this kit and others (Bonus: it offers space to journal IN the journal itself- no extra Bible required!!!)

It is available to purchase now at Dayspring. Be sure to use IFSHIPSFREE for free shipping on your order! Want the 100 Days Journal I talked about in this post? It is also available at Dayspring and goes GREAT with this kit and others (Bonus: it offers space to journal IN the journal itself- no extra Bible required!!!)

Thanks for the great devotional. This will come in most handy and I appreciate your sharing it with us.