Wednesday, July 11, 2018

100 Days of Bible Journaling: Days 85-91

Day 85: His Presence, His Comfort

The Lord is my Shepherd... we're all pretty familiar with this Psalm (Psalm 23), aren't we? It truly is a great one to turn to whenever we need that reminder that God is always there, protecting us and comforting us--- like a shepherd to His flock.

For this page, I had this fun little die cut that I knew I just had to use. I loved the idea of the black/white/grey against something more colorful so I created a watercolor background to really make it pop. It's not a fancy page, but a cute one nonetheless.

Day 86: God Is Your Friend

Does anyone remember that song from the early 2000s 'I Am a Friend of God'?

Who am I that You are mindful of meThat You hear me when I callIs it true that You are thinking of meHow You love me it's amazing
I am a friend of GodI am a friend of GodI am a friend of GodHe calls me friend

I must say when I first saw the title of this devotion, I immediately thought to that song. I hadn't heard it in ages, and yet it came back so effortlessly and I found myself reminded of those simple words. While I did not use that in my actual journaling, it IS what I was singing as I worked.

For this page, I used a phrase from an earlier Illustrated Faith devotional kit that I had falling in love with. It talked about how God was the 'ultimate bestie'. This made sense to me. He's always there--- a shoulder to cry on, a cheerleader, a constant source of love--- just as a best friend should be. And so I decided to incorporate that phrase into my journaling. I must say this turned out to be my favorite page for the week!

Day 87: Are You Thinking Outside the Box?

Do you ever find yourself limiting your prayers? I honestly had never given it much thought, but as I worked through this devotion I found that I truly am guilty of this. I don't ask for the BIG things, but rather just enough to get through. Perhaps it's just not wanting to be greedy or asking TOO much from God...or maybe we have a tendency to put God in a box forgetting how big His power truly is... but I think I needed that reminder that it's okay to pray big... God might just deliver, but we may never know if we don't ask.

For this page, I knew right away that I wanted to use this cute little die cut. It's been in my collection for quite some time, but I'd never found quite the right place to use it. This was certainly it. I played off of the colors from that to create this cute page!

Day 88: Hope Is An Anchor

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

Don't you just love this verse? I know I do. Sometimes I find myself having this tendency to let my mind go all kinds of crazy, for lack of better words. I find myself worrying constantly, which can lead to feelings of overwhelming. I need that anchor to help keep me grounding, to remind me that God has this always.

For this page, I of course had to do something a little nautical... after all--- I LOVE nautical! I'd picked up these anchors YEARS ago when I first started journaling so it seemed a good excuse to dig them out. For me, nothing says nautical like some cute stripes so I used some washi to complete the look. I can't say that it's perfect, but it was certainly a fun page to create!

Day 89: Healing For Your Heart

How many times can one heart break?
It was never supposed to be this way
Look in the mirror, but you find someone you never thought you'd be
Oh, but I can still recognize
The one I love in your tear stained eyes
I know you might not see him now, so lift your eyes to me
When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief
When you see too far gone
I see one step away from home
When you see nothing but damaged goods
I see something good in the making
I'm not finished yet
When you see wounded, I see mended
If you've been following along on these journaling posts, you might recall that I had actually journaled some lyrics from this Matthew West song several weeks ago, but as I read through this devotion, I was once again reminded of these words. Seriously, if you have not yet heard it, I suggest you go check it out now. Such powerful words that I so often need to hear.

For this page, I loved the idea of a broken heart being repaired. I'd contemplated the idea of it being sewn back together, but ultimately thought the imagery of a band aid fixing the broken heart would be better. While I am not the greatest artist by a long shot, I hope the implied message of being mended can still be seen through that.

Day 90: God's Way Is The Best Way

No matter what the question at hand may be, it seems like there are always 20 different answers that can be given... and every person offering an answer is thoroughly convinced that THEIR way is the one you must go with. How absolutely and utterly confusing!? No wonder we spend so much time being lost, uncertain of which path is the right one to take. But the Bible reminds us that God's way is ALWAYS the best way, and that we can follow His word through studying the Bible and applying it to our own lives.

For this page, I had the idea of arrows going in all directions, to give that idea of being told to go in all direction in our lives and so I used some clear cuts to accomplish that. It's a very simple page, and perhaps not perfect, but I had fun with it at least.

Day 91: God So Loved The World

Oh what an amazing love it is that God would send His son to die for us... despite all of our flaws and shortcomings. There truly is no love that could ever compare!

For this page, I really wanted to focus on that idea of love and wanted to create a love letter of sorts from God. I'd had this beautiful clear cut and felt that the message could not be more perfect. We truly cannot ever fully know and understand the love that God has for us...and I hope that this simple page will serve as a reminder of just that.

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24