Friday, July 13, 2018

Super Simple DIY Carpet Powder

Are you working on cleaning your house this summer?

People image created by Yanalya -

I know I certainly am, and one of the things I really wanted to work on was getting my house smelling fresh! With kids, come a lot of weird smells in the carpets... listen, I don't know what it is, but I don't want to smell it! There are many carpet powders that work great, but today I wanted to share the DIY version that is even better, all natural and keeps your carpets smelling amazing.

Even better? Many of you probably already have the TWO ingredients required.

DIY Carpet Deodorizer

  • Baking Soda
  • Essential Oils
  1. First and foremost, decide on what oil(s) you want to use. Personally my go to is lemon oil. Lemon is great for getting rid of smells, so its a great addition and leaves the house smelling fresher. Lemon is also an oil that most people who use oils even casually always have on hand, or can be found very inexpensively. Sometimes I'll mix it up with orange or another oil, so you can truly choose whatever you like!
  2. Now, simply add several drops to your baking soda and mix it well. 
  3. Sprinkle the mixture onto your carpets and allow to sit for a few hours. Personally, I like doing it overnight so it really has time to do its thing. (Hint: for easier sprinkling, use an old salt shaker.)
  4. After it's had time to sit, vacuum as normal.

Simple, right? Baking soda by itself can be a great carpet deodorizer too, but I love the added scent boost that the essential oils give! I love to do this right before company comes, as the scent usually hands around for a few days after.

Not a fan of carpet powders? Place this same mixture in a small bowl anywhere throughout the house where you need a little extra freshening up, the back of the toilet, near or in the kitchen trash, etc... it truly works wonders! 


  1. Definitely great especially if you have pets and carpets.

  2. You create sense out of the foremost complex topics.The Carpet Cleaner Liverpool


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24