Do you ever get in a rut?
It seems like things are just blah... and the longer that rut goes on, the harder it seems to be to just break out of it. You know things NEED to change, but you just aren't sure where to begin. Today, I'm sharing three simple tips that might just help you break out of that rut just in time for fall... and some great products from VM Innovations that can help along the way!
Get Organized.
I find that when I get in one of my personal ruts, my house is the first thing that takes the hit. I find it hard to get the motivation to keep everything organized...and then it reaches a point where I just don't know where to begin! The clutter leads to even more of a rut, and the rut leads to more clutter. It can certainly become a never-ending cycle.... which is why it can be a great way to start the process of getting out of your rut! A new clean space with proper organization will do a LOT to refresh your perspective.
To keep it from being TOO overwhelming at once, start slow... going with one room at a time. Personally I find that my closet it the first place I tend to go to for organization, as it seems to be the quickest to get done. Having that first success can be extremely motivating. Buy tubs and shelving to make sure you truly have a place for EVERYTHING. If there's not place or need, it has to go!
Get Fit.
Whether its a lack of proper self care or the stress weighing us down, when we're in a rut, our health can take the hit. Establishing a new workout routine can help us feel better both physically and mentally.... talk about a great way to give us that renewal we need. It can be as simple and walking several times a week, using some hand weights or investing in some brand new exercise equipment... whatever might work for your budget or your person needs.
Personally, I love the idea of a treadmill or eliptical... these allow us to get a great workout AND we can still use that time to catch up with our favorite TV shows too! A win, win! On a personal note, if I've spent more money, I'm also more likely to MAKE myself use it too!
Get Outside.
I don't know if its the clutter, or just the every day sameness, but being stuck indoors certainly doesn't keep me out of my rut, but rather has me falling deeper into it! Fresh air can certainly do us a lot of good. Outside in the fall? That's my favorite. It's getting cooler, but not TOO cold... or too hot either! Just right!
Again going outside can be something as simple as walks around the neighborhood or spending time in your own backyard, but if you REALLY want to dig yourself out of the rut you're in, try a couple of days away--- camping, hiking, etc! Sometimes that little bit of time to disconnect can make such a huge impact.
These are just a few of the many ways to try and break out of our ruts now. Each provides a break from the routine and benefits to aid in our mental health. I think perhaps, that's the biggest thing to remember... find something that makes you feel renewed, change it up... break out of the ordinary!
Looking for the tools to help you with that? VM Innovations is here to help.
But who is VM Innovations?
At, we're committed to bringing you the best products, at the lowest prices, with the highest level of customer service possible. You won't find that commitment from the other guys. We're also proud to offer fast, free shipping on every item, every day.
We believe that variety is the spice of life. That's why you'll find some of the best deals around on a wide variety of items. You'll find a great selection of baby strollers, home & garden, power tools, consumer electronics, and car audio products, just to name a few. We work hard with our suppliers to find the best products, at the lowest prices from brands that you know and trust.
The products featured in this post are just a few of the many great products available at great prices. Visit the link below to see more.

What are your favorite ways to break out of a rut? Which products at VM Innovations can help?
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