For us bookworms, there are books that stick with us throughout our lives. We may not remember every last detail or the specifics of the story, but we remember how it made us feel when we read it. We remember the experience of reading it.
One of these books for me was Little Women, and so I was thrilled to have the chance to experience the new movie, retelling this classic tale in a modern setting.
Sisters—and dreams—are unique in their ability to inspire, encourage and change the world. For 150 years, Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women has motivated women of all ages to dream together and celebrate family. Coming to theaters for the first time, a modern retelling of LITTLE WOMEN brings a new generation together with their mothers, sisters and friends.
From girls playing in the attic to women living with purpose, the March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy—are committed to always supporting each other. Yet, growing up sometimes means growing apart. An aspiring writer, Jo leaves for New York determined to publish a novel. In the wake of rejected draft upon draft, her editor challenges Jo to write about something more interesting—her family. When tragedy brings the sisters back home, sticking together takes on new meaning. As Jo comforts her sick sister, Beth asks for one thing: a story. Jo knows the perfect one … by heart.
To be honest, watching a movie based on a book you love is always a little risky. We all know that a movie can never truly compare. But I have to say, I absolutely LOVED this movie. Perhaps it is because it wasn't MEANT to be an exact retelling with the modernization... or maybe it was because it was so far removed from reading. I'll be honest, though I had read the book multiple times, I was 11-12 years old at the time. That's 19-20 years ago! Needless to say, many of the specific details were pretty fuzzy. Still, as I watched I was met with a sense of familiarity. I recalled some moments in the story, but more than that, I recalled those feelings and emotions. I recalled the imaginative adventures, the love of sisters, and yes even the sadness. As different as it may have been, all of those elements that made me fall in love with the book as a child were STILL there.
For those of us who already enjoyed the book, it certainly is going to be one to watch. However, it is a great movie for ANYONE regardless. Even better, despite it's PG-13 rating, it's a movie that is generally fairly family friendly. Don't get me wrong, it's not one that my five year old is going to get much out of or understand even... but for a younger teen? It should be just fine. There is a scene that shows some drinking, but unlike so many other movies these days, I did not personally feel as though it was glorifying or promoting it... certainly something to keep in mind though if watching with teens. It's also a great movie to watch with a group of friends, or even better--- with your sisters. More than anything, Little Women is a fantastic story of sisterhood, which is perhaps why I love it so much, growing up in a home with just sisters too!
Ready to experience Little Women for yourself? Little Women will be in theaters everywhere on September 28. Visit here to purchase tickets in your area.

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Are you a Little Women fan? Share your experiences reading the book and let me know who you would love to enjoy the new film with.
Every aspect of the film was great - the acting, the cinematography, the production design, the sound, the editing - and most importantly, the storytelling. I enjoyed every bit of this film.