Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Revival Camp: Praise

**This post contains affiliate links. I will earn a small commission for any purchases made after clicking these links. All thoughts are 100% my own. 

The final month of Revival Camp is DONE. Unlike the previous kits, this one featured only three devotionals, but that last week was a big one... praise! The Bible talks about praise a lot, and in many different ways... and this final week covered many of them with several verses to journal. While I had already journaled many of these, I had some fun doing a couple of pages on the topic:

Week 11: Praise

This first page, I just loved that simple message and reminder to praise him. I love that this is something we can all do, no matter where we are! Be it singing praises while we're stuck in traffic or sighing out a 'thank you Jesus' when He gets us through a particular rough moment.... we must remember to praise Him always.

For this page, I loved this bow die cut, and decided to carry that olive through in the page. I created a background using the card trick with the included paint card in September's kit. I felt like these colors were really suited for the camp theme, and I enjoyed breaking out that olive once again.

The next page is completely different. One of the phrases mentioned in the devotional was a 'dance party with Jesus'. I fell in love with that idea. It really paints a beautiful illustration of the joy and celebration that we should experience when praising God. It's not standing stiff, singing praise songs because we HAVE to, but really, truly feeling those words down to the bone and letting that take us over.

For this page, I really wanted to reflect that joy, that fun. While I loved the colors and elements throughout the Revival Camp series, I felt like for this page I really just wanted bright, bold and colorful. To be honest, aside from the phrase itself, there are absolutely no elements from any Revival Camp kit included here. That's one of the great things about these kits I think. While the included supplies are great, they are just a starting point. You can use them as inspiration and combine with whatever supplies you currently have in your stash.

This page was inspired by a gorgeous page I'd seen on Instagram that showed a black background with bold flowers. I loved how the colors had popped against the black, and really wanted to try that out myself... so I created a background with black acrylic paint and then added some literal splashes of color. The white lettering on top of that really made it pop. The result? Perhaps my favorite page in ALL the Revival Camp journaling I have done. It truly was a great way to wrap it all up!

So, now that Revival Camp is over... what's next? On November 1, I will begin journaling through the '100 Days of Grace & Gratitude' journal. I very much loved the previous 100 days journal and cannot wait to dive in to the next one. Even better? The next three devotional kits were designed to compliment that beautifully! Want to join me in this journaling experience? Pick up your copy of '100 Days of Grace & Gratitude' today.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24