Tuesday, January 8, 2019

5 Modern Ways to Unwind This Christmas

Christmas is an ideal time to indulge in a little relaxation, which can help to wash away all the stresses and strains experienced in the run-up to the festive season.
If you want to ensure this holiday is one you will remember forever, you would be smart to embrace new and relaxing experiences so that you will feel mentally and physically prepared for 2019. To do just that, here are five modern ways to unwind this Christmas.

1.   Disable an Email App
While modern technology can often be a big help, it can also be a great source of stress. If you find you are constantly checking your emails on your days off from work, disable the email app on your smartphone.
Most people check their email out of habit or worry, but if it is not available, then it can break you free of the bad habit. As a result, you just enjoy spending some quality time with your loved ones watching festive movies, wrapping gifts and indulging in sugar-laden treats.

2.   Use a Vape Device
Traditional cigarettes are not only notoriously bad for your health, but they are also rather boring. Add a little fun into your Christmas and heighten your smoking experience by buying a handy vape device at ultimatejuice.co.uk, who also provide a variety of different e-juice flavors, such as donuts and cookie dough.

3.   Turn on a Smart Speaker
A handy smart speaker can make Christmas a doddle. It can play festive songs at your request and can answer any recipe questions you might have when prepping a feast fit for the whole family. Rather than stressing about how long it takes to cook a turkey, you can ask the smart speaker a question and you’ll receive an immediate answer. You can enjoy a relaxing, hassle-free Christmas!

4.   A Netflix Christmas Movie Marathon
Netflix is the new way to watch movies and TV, and you will not be disappointed with its diverse collection of Christmas flicks waiting for you on the streaming service. You can not only watch seasonal classics, such as Love Actually or White Christmas, but you can also watch the Netflix Original Christmas Chronicles. It’s the modern way to watch endless festive movies with all the family.

5.   Wear a Smart Watch
Few things are more stressful than cooking a Christmas feast for the whole family. If you want to spend less time in the kitchen this Christmas and more time with your loved ones, wear a smartwatch. It can notify you about what you need to do and when you need to do it, so you’ll never overcook the vegetables or burn the turkey.

Plus, the device can also feature apps that will allow you to turn on the festive lights or check the weather at the touch of a button. It can, therefore, prevent stress and tension from building up inside the body throughout the day so that you can have an enjoyable, relaxing holiday.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24