Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How To Rock Your 2019 Resolutions

The new year has arrived, and we're determined to make it the best year ever. And so, we set resolutions. Goals that we know will make us a better us in the coming year.

Still, by the time February or March rolls around, how many of us will find ourselves giving up on those goals that we started with the best of intentions? More importantly, how can we actually stick to those goals in the year to come? Today I'm sharing a few tips:

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  • Set attainable goals. It's good to think big and go for it... but it can also be overwhelming. Let's take fitness goals for example. Exercising every day might seem like a great resolution, but if we're starting from doing nothing at all? Well, that's going to be hard to live up to it. We miss a day and it feels like we've failed, making it that much easier to give up. Instead, think about short term goals that are more attainable. Start out with working out 2-3 days a week, and work up from there. This will alleviate the frustration, while still leading you to that ultimate goal. 
  • Leave it open. With some goals, it's great to be pretty specific. A common goal for Christians is to read the Bible completely in a year... a very specific goal and timeline, and that's great. But other common goals don't require those same details. Plan to get more organized? That doesn't mean that it has to be in ALL areas of your life, or all at once either. This was one of my personal goals last year as well, and it was (and still is) a slow process. I would concentrate on one area at a time, work on it and move onto the next when it made sense to do so. Did I get everything 100% completely organized? Absolutely not, but I saw an improvement... sometimes that's what matters. Not that it's 100%, but that we're making PROGRESS.
  • Make a plan. It's easy enough to say my goal is 'such and such', but to actually meet those goals, we can't go in blindly. We have to make a plan to make it possible. Again, this goes back to those attainable goals too. Take a look at what your main goal is, and how you're breaking it down to smaller goals. What do you need to make those happen? Plan it out and try to stick to it, leaving room for changes.
  • Give yourself grace. Why do so many people give up on their resolutions? If you ask me, it's that they don't allow themselves grace. Believe me, I've been there myself. We start off with the best of intentions, but life gets in the way and things fall to the side. Once we've broken that resolution, we feel like it's too late. Oh well, try again next year. The reality is, we don't need to be a slave to the calendar in order to accomplish our goals. We're going to mess up, we're going to cheat on that healthy eating plan... but each day is a new day, and we can pick back up anytime. Give yourself grace to mess up, and just keep moving forward. 

Do you make resolutions for the New Year? What tips have you found to help you achieve them? What are some goals that you hope to accomplish this year?


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24