Monday, February 18, 2019

4 Simple Ways to Find Calm in Life's Busy Moments {+ Deal}

**This is a compensated post written by myself on behalf of Yarra Valley Impex. All thoughts are 100% my own.

"Life is busy!"

How many times have you found yourself uttering these very words when asked how things are going? I know I have! For some, being busy is a sign of accomplishment. For moms these days, there is a pressure to pack each day full. Time to rest and be idle? It can be seen as a sign that we're not doing enough. Or at least that's how we feel, right?

The reality is however, life IS busy...and sometimes we just need a BREAK. But...just when are we supposed to find the time to do THAT!? Today, I'm sharing a few simple ways to find a moment of rest in the busy-ness of motherhood.

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  • Escape in a good book. Whether you get the kids reading their own books so that you can too, or if you wait until they're off to bed, I can personally think of no better way to unwind than curling up with a good book. It is a great way to escape whatever life has thrown our way while staying home. We can even squeeze in a little reading time as we wait in the car line too! 
  • Take a bath. Okay, I'll admit, I personally am not a bath person. Still, many others (my husband included) find them to be a great way to relax and wash away life's stresses. Use a favorite bath salt to truly make it an experience. 
  • Start a Journal. Whether it's a typical journal, an art journal or a Bible journal, the experience is all very therapeutic...allowing us to express our thoughts and our creativity. It's such a personal experience with really no right or wrong way to do it.
  • Enjoy a Soothing Cup of Tea. The greatest thing about a cup of warm tea? It can take ANY of these relaxation experiences to the very next level in the most tasty way. Caught up in a sweet romance? Curl up with a blanket and a cup of tea and get lost among the words. Relaxing in the tub? Enjoy it with some tea (just be careful not to splash)! Journaling through your thoughts? Tea can be a great accompaniment. And there are so many flavors to choose from to make your me time more memorable such as ceylon tea & hibiscus (rosella) tea from Yarra Valley Impex.

Psst... Australian readers, stock up on your tea needs and save with this great deal from Yarra Valley Impex.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24