Sewing... on paper!?
Sounds pretty crazy, right? I must admit, I thought so too, but after seeing a few people sewing on tabs into their Bible journaling, I became intrigued. This process uses a sewing machine to create a fantastic multi-dimensional look. Adorable, but not quite what I was going for, so I started playing around with embroidery thread. I loved the idea of embroidering not on fabric, but right in my Bible for a 100% unique look. Though I am far from great at embroidery I loved the results. Today, I'm sharing with you how it's done.
- First step, choose your design. You'll want to keep it fairly simple, free from smaller details. You can draw these designs yourself or trace if needed. Try to keep it as light as possible to avoid dark lines when you're finished (you can also draw it in mirror image of the opposite page). You can also embroider freehand if you're not going for a specific image but just random stitches- as I did in this page.
- Thread your needle with embroidery floss just as you would for a typical sewing project.
- At your starting point, slowly insert the needle through the page. Personally, I enjoy the look of the loose thread at each end, but you could either trim this down or again start on the opposite page.
- Embroider your design. For the most part, the process is very much similar to how it would be on fabric, just with a different medium. There are a few tips to keep in mind:
-Get comfortable. This process takes a little time and patience, so find somewhere where you can be comfortable and can turn your Bible as needed before you get started.
-Go slow. The paper in most journaling Bibles is thin so you'll want to go slowly, being careful not to use too much force.
-Keep the stitches wide. Again, with those thinner pages, we do not want the stitches too close together as they will cause the page to rip. I keep my stitches rather far apart to help maintain the integrity of the page.
-Consider a base background. I have sewn pages where the sewing was the only background and others, like this one, where the page was also painted. I have found that it does seem as though the painted pages are a little bit stronger.
-Practice before you start. Putting any new technique into your Bible can be intimidating, and especially one that has the potential to rip a page. Practice on a plain sheet of paper before you move to your Bible- or find a blank page towards the back of your Bible so that you can practice on the same thickness, etc. - Finish and tie the end. Again, where you end and what you do with the excess string is entirely up to you, but be sure to leave plenty of extra to give yourself room to tie the string.
Easy enough, right? It can certainly be intimidating but just check out the end results (from someone non-experienced in embroidery!).
About this page:
For this page, I was working through the Women of the Bible: Friendship on Purpose kit in the book of Ruth. Perhaps one of the best known verses in this book, and one of my favorites is Ruth 1: 16-17:
For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried.
I created a background using the card technique and acrylic paints (navy and dark taupe), with some additional splattering of white and mustard yellow. I then added a few of the clear stickers to bring in more of those beautiful colors from this kit. I used the alpha stickers to create the first words of this verse. In the end, I freehand embroidered a meandering line. My thought was that it created a kind of map like effect. I loved how the verse perfectly welcomed the opportunity to use this technique.
This is not the only great way to incorporate this technique into journaling through Women of the Bible! Did you know that every kit purchase includes digital downloads? These printables feature many of the design elements found in the kits, as well as larger digital images perfect for the Illustrating Bible or an Interleaved Bible. You can print some of these floral designs, trace and embroider! The style of this technique is the perfect match for this kit design, so it's a great time to try it out!

You can purchase your Women of the Bible: Friendship on Purpose kit here.
Missed Women of the Bible: Better Together? It is still available to purchase as well.

About this page:
For this page, I was working through the Women of the Bible: Friendship on Purpose kit in the book of Ruth. Perhaps one of the best known verses in this book, and one of my favorites is Ruth 1: 16-17:

I created a background using the card technique and acrylic paints (navy and dark taupe), with some additional splattering of white and mustard yellow. I then added a few of the clear stickers to bring in more of those beautiful colors from this kit. I used the alpha stickers to create the first words of this verse. In the end, I freehand embroidered a meandering line. My thought was that it created a kind of map like effect. I loved how the verse perfectly welcomed the opportunity to use this technique.

You can purchase your Women of the Bible: Friendship on Purpose kit here.
Missed Women of the Bible: Better Together? It is still available to purchase as well.

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24