Tuesday, April 16, 2019

DIY Easter Carrot Beanbags

Easter is almost here! Can you believe it? It seems that this month has just flown by! Today, I'm sharing a simple and fun DIY that is perfect for Easter games OR basket goodies...

DIY Easter Carrot Beanbags

  • Orange Felt
  • Green Felt
  • Orange Embroidery Thread
  • Scissors
  • Filling for Beanbags (beans, rice, etc)

  1. Cut your orange felt into two matching carrot shapes. You can find an image to use as a stencil online if you prefer, I just free-handed and then used my first shape as a stencil to create the second. Very easy!
  2. Next, cut the green into a leaf type shape for the top of your carrot. You will only need the one piece for this.
  3. Start sewing. Start at the top corner of your carrot, and sew around your carrot using an over stitch--- this is a very basic stitch that even the most novice of sewers can master quickly and easily (meaning you can even get the kids involved in this project. Sew around all the way to the other top corner. Tie your thread, leaving the top of your carrot open.
  4. Now it's time to fill your carrot. You can purchase some beanbag filling such as EPS beads, or just use something already in your pantry--- rice or dry beans! These make for a great sensory experience for the kids too! 
  5. Once filled, it's time to close it up. Place your leaf between your two carrot pieces, and sew the top closed- sew the leaf area closed with whatever basic stitch is most comfortable to you!

That's it! This is very easy to put together--- and quick and inexpensive as well--- making it a great last minute addition to the Easter basket! Kids will love playing with it as a fun sensory toy, or use it to give your favorite beanbag game and cute Easter touch!


  1. I like the beanbag. I would love to create this carrot.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24