**Journal received for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own.
As moms and women today, we are sent one very clear message from society:
As moms and women today, we are sent one very clear message from society:
Everywhere you look it seems this message is something to be celebrated. Hustle harder. Make it happen. Just work harder to get what you want. It's all over t-shirts, coffee mugs and notebooks. There are best selling books that preach that message--- that if we want it enough and work hard enough, we can achieve anything we want. It's up to us.
But the Bible tells us a very different message:
Be still, and know that I am God.- Psalm 46:10
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. -Matthew 11:28
It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.-Psalm 127:2
And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. - Mark 6:31
Over and over throughout the scriptures we are given messages not about hustling... but about rest. Still, as Christians we too find ourselves getting lost in the hustle. We wear our full schedules as a badge of honor, a sign of success. But where in that are we leaving time for God? I don't know about you, but for me trying to keep up with it all is absolutely exhausting and stressful. What if we as Christian women took a radical step and instead of saying, "Hustle more" instead took a step back and said, "Less Hustle More Jesus!"
Wow... that's a pretty crazy idea, isn't it? It certainly does go against the norm. But when we take a step back and consider how we can get more Jesus in our lives and less stress... oh, what a better life that can be. Here are a few simple ways to live those words:
- Don't be afraid to say no. It might be popular to be so busy you don't have time to breathe... but it also leaves you gasping for air, stressed out and overwhelmed. Remember that it's okay NOT to do it all, and not to allow your children to do it all too. Choose the things that matter most to you, and don't feel guilty about the rest.
- Find rest within the hustle. While we can choose to say no to some degree, there are also many times when life is still going to be busy. Being a mom in and of itself is busy and hectic even when there are no extra activities involved! If we can't reduce our schedule at all, instead find rest in those moments. Maybe that means listening to an audio Bible as you prepare for your day or putting on some worship music and talking to God on your way to and from work. Personally, I love using the times I am in my car to spend with God!
- Set aside time to spend in God's word. I know, I know... this can be easier said than done! Still, what a difference it can make on our emotional and spiritual health. Even if it is only for a few chapters a day, those few moments can be a great way to rest in Him.

God has made many promises to you and He intends to keep every single one of them. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to forget to find rest in God's presence, letting go of your worries and cares.
Join Shanna Noel popular blogger, bible journaling expert and founder of Illustrated Faith in this creative daily devotional journal and understand and relate to God's promises in a way you never have before. These biblical truths will come to life through color and illustration and will inspire your own creativity and your personal walk with God as you fall in love with your bible all over again.
In 100 Days of Less Hustle, More Jesus, we've thoughtfully collected and exquisitely designed God's best promises in this bible journal setting providing daily scripture, short devotion for personal reflection, guided prayers and a place for personal prayer and your own creative expression as you find comfort in His peaceful presence.
It's no secret that I am a HUGE fan of the 100 Days journals and this one is absolutely no exception. It features that same style that we have seen in the previous journals--- a one page devotional, followed by 3-4 scriptures, space to journal right on these pages and a closing prayer. The great thing about this is that it really doesn't even require a journaling Bible at all! I choose to journal in my Bible so that I can revisit these journals and their prompts later on, but most choose to do it right in the journal. Whether you aren't yet comfortable doing art in your Bible, or you cannot currently afford a new Bible this can truly be a great option. And it comes with a great message! I have loved each of these journals, but THIS is the one I am most excited for. We all need these devotions. We all need to find those moments of rest and time with God. We all need to focus more on God and less on getting it all done on our own. This journal will provide a great place to start.

100 Days of Less Hustle More Jesus is available to purchase now at Dayspring.

I will begin journaling through this next 100 days once I have finished with Grace & Gratitude. Follow along with me as I do so, and please join in the fun too!
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24