Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Scientific Research into the Health Benefits of Bone Broth

Bone broth has been a staple in several cuisines around the world due to its health benefits. Bone broth is also a crucial part of the keto and paleo diets.

Bone broths are popular because they promote digestion, supply lots of nutrients and have a delicious flavor.

Parts like ligaments, tendons, bones, and skin can be simmered for several hours to make a nourishing broth. This process releases compounds like glutamine, glycine, proline, and collagen which can improve your health.  
Here are some bone broth benefits:

Mineral Rich

Bone broth also contains several minerals in a form which makes them easy to absorb: sulfur, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and others.

Good for Bone and Joint Health

Penn State University conducted research on collagen supplementation. The study showed that athletes who took collagen supplements for 24 weeks reported improved joint health and a reduction in factors that degrade athletic performance. 
Bone broth contains plenty of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. These compounds are sold in expensive supplements since they are known to provide relief for arthritis, inflammation and joint pain. You can get these compounds cheaply and in large quantities through inexpensive bone broth.  
Bone broth is one of the best sources of collagen which is an essential building block of tendons, bones, ligaments, cartilage and skin. Collagen in bone broth is highly bioavailable, meaning that it can be easily absorbed by the body. This is important since our cartilage degrades as we age. Highly bioavailable collagen is invaluable for restoring deteriorating cartilage and may help to reduce joint pain associated with old age.

Gelatin is another valuable component present in large amounts in bone broth. It provides building blocks for bones and joints. Therefore, gelatin promotes bone mineral density and strengthens aging joints.

Strengthens Immune System

Dr. Stephen Rennard and other researchers at the University of Nebraska conducted research on bone broth to understand why it is considered good for colds and flu. They found that the amino acids improved digestion and lowered respiratory system inflammation. The results were published in the Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care Journal and were featured in several news channels, websites and TV shows.

Promotes Digestive Health

According to these studies, people who suffer from digestive disorders have reduced serum collagen concentrations. This is not good for digestive health since collagen contains amino acids that are the building blocks of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore supplementing with collagen improves digestive health. Bone broth is one of the best sources of collagen.

Healthy Skin

Placebo-controlled double blind studies found that women aged 33-55 who used 2.5-5 g of collagen hydrolysate over a course of 8 weeks experienced better skin elasticity, decreased dryness, lower roughness and improved skin moisture. They also found a reduction in signs of aging.  

Aids Metabolism and Antioxidant Production

Bone broth promotes the production of glutathione. Studies show that glutathione aids cell proliferation and apoptosis, protein and DNA synthesis, regulates gene expression and immune response.

Research shows that glycine, an amino acid found abundantly in bone broth reduces the loss of skeletal muscle and prevents muscle breakdown associated with old age.  


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24