Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Does Appearance Matter: When Getting Dental Cosmetic Surgery is the Right Choice

It’s quite possible that you’ve had something wrong with your teeth that’s been irritating you for months or even years. Whether it’s a crooked tooth (or several of them) or an early filling that’s visible when you open your mouth wide enough; it can make you feel very self-conscious, especially if someone pointed it out in a public manner.

The question of when it makes sense to get cosmetic surgery is a complicated one. We delve into this topic now to provide some useful guidance if you’re thinking about it.

How Much of a Problem is It?

While we all want a fairy tale life, the reality soon sets in. Life isn’t perfect and only with childlike innocence and protective parenting did it seem that way.

An adult working life means we need to look professional. Even with a nicely tailored suit, whether you’re a woman or a man, if your smile lets you down it’s very noticeable. Your confidence takes a hit too and it’s easy to reach a stage where you start using a controlled closed mouth smile to avoid showing your teeth. This leads to other confidence issues, which may affect your working life and outside of it too.

What Cosmetic Dental Work Do You Require?

If you have a tooth that’s been damaged or there’s decay, then there are cosmetic solutions for this. If it’s just the one front tooth that’s an issue, then a crown can cover that tooth nicely. However, if it’s more than one tooth in a line, then a bridge may be the right answer instead.

Depending on the damage to a chipped front tooth, a porcelain veneer that’s fixed to your existing front tooth can hide it. This provides a brand-new appearance, covers over any imperfections with the tooth and can close a noticeable gap between two teeth as well.

When dealing with a mouthful of teeth that are a bit crooked, then the best solution might be a set of orthodontic braces. These are fitted and some are barely visible now, to gradually adjust the angle of your teeth with your gums over a period. This is more extensive work with setups, a fitting and adjustments required until they’re finally removed.

Is Teeth Whitening the Answer?

As the professionals at Enhanced Dental Studios will tell you, tooth whitening can be effective in resolving problems with discoloured teeth. Teeth can lose their natural whiteness over time through staining caused by drinking certain beverages, smoking or just the passage of time.

There are several different whitening product solutions to brighten teeth. Bleach solutions work by colouring the teeth, which are measured in shades. Depending on the teeth and the whitening product, the teeth can be made up to eight shades whiter than they are presently. These are an effective answer for people where veneers or other dental treatments prove either too costly or unnecessary.

Enhanced Dental Studios with multiple offices in Brisbane and the Gold Coast has staff who speak multiple languages including Japanese, Korean and Mandarin, and of course, English too. They can recommend the best treatment option to improve your appearance.

Taking care of your appearance potentially leads to new opportunities for professionals who wish to get noticed in the office. When looking the part matters, dental cosmetic surgery can resolve issues that you cannot fix any other way.


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