**Book received for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own.
Kids have a way of saying things adults would never say and revealing profound—even biblical—truths in their unfiltered, unedited commentary on the world. In this inspiring book, Jon Guager shares important lessons he learned about God by observing kids. Like the story of Joslynn’s tumble. When Joslynn was camping she falls down the camper’s stairs to the horror of her watching grandparents. But when she stands up and declares, "Let’s try that again," Jon Gauger (Grandpa) notices how even though Joslynn had failed at something, she was kissed, hugged, and comforted by her family. Gauger reminds us that this is how God responds to us when we seemed to have failed "big time."
Each anecdote teaches the Christian a familiar truth through a less familiar vehicle, making this giftable book fresh and fun.
JON GAUGER hosts several nationally syndicated programs for Moody Radio and is an award-winning narrator of more than 60 audio books. As a journalist and speaker, he has traveled to 36 countries. From Billy Graham to Chuck Norris, Jon is never more at home than when hosting an interview. An ordained minister, Jon is an avid photographer and videographer. He is married to Diana, and they have two children and several grandchildren. He enjoys camping (trailers, not tents), reading, travel, and great Mexican food. His weekly blog, The Thursday Thought, is available at jongauger.com.
We've all heard it said, 'kids say the darnedest things'...and while that is certainly true, I think most of us parents can agree that at one point or another our child has surprised us not with their wit and humor, but with wisdom beyond their years. We are called to have the faith of a child, so is it any wonder they have the beautiful ability to teach us adults a little something about God? I know I have seen this happen in my own children.
In Kids Say the Wisest Things, we get a glimpse at 26 such stories! They are humorous, they ate fun... but more than anything they are a great reminder that even when we think we know a lot about God, faith, etc... a new bit of knowledge can always be found, even from the unlikely mouth of a child. It's a great reminder to stop and see the world through the eyes of a child, and change our perspective from time to time.
This was a very quick read, which is great because you may find you'll want to come back and read some of these stories over and over again. Likewise, there's a good chance that you'll want to gift it to a friend to share the laughs and the wisdom. This is a cute book, and certainly worth checking out.
In Kids Say the Wisest Things, we get a glimpse at 26 such stories! They are humorous, they ate fun... but more than anything they are a great reminder that even when we think we know a lot about God, faith, etc... a new bit of knowledge can always be found, even from the unlikely mouth of a child. It's a great reminder to stop and see the world through the eyes of a child, and change our perspective from time to time.
This was a very quick read, which is great because you may find you'll want to come back and read some of these stories over and over again. Likewise, there's a good chance that you'll want to gift it to a friend to share the laughs and the wisdom. This is a cute book, and certainly worth checking out.

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24