Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Beloved Fall: DIY Dollar Tree Pumpkin Makeover

**This post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own.

Are you ready for fall?

Now that school is back in session, I'm certainly ready for one of my favorite seasons! The pumpkin treats, the beautiful colors, the cozy sweaters...I love it! Despite my love of fall, I don't have a ton of fall decor. In my new home, I really wanted to change that...without breaking the bank. To do so, I got a little creative with some Dollar Tree finds and the Beloved Society collection from Dayspring. Take a look:

DIY Dollar Tree Pumpkin Makeover

  • Wood Pumpkin-Shaped Wall Sign
  • Metal Words
  • Scrapbook Paper
  • Mod-Podge
  • Paint Brush
  • Scissors

  1. First and foremost, choose your pumpkin. You can find completely blank pumpkins at just about any craft store at this time of year, BUT I chose to head to my Dollar Tree instead. At just $1, these pumpkins are cheaper than I've found elsewhere AND as a bonus already include the decorative accessories like a leaf and bow, saving even more money. They offer quite the variety of shapes and sizes to best fit the look you're going for. I chose this faux chalkboard decor for myself. 
  2. Now we strip the pumpkin down to just the base. Remove the bow, string, or any other extras your pumpkin might have. On this particular pumpkin, the leaf was able to stay attached, I simply had to bend it upwards so that it was out of the way.
  3. Next we will prepare the scrapbook paper. The great thing about this project is that you can find scrapbook paper in just about any style you desire...wood grain, plaid, a simple color, glitter, you name it! For this project, I knew right away that I wanted to use some paper from the Beloved Society collection from Dayspring. I love classic hymns, and incorporating them into decor, so I knew that it would be perfect for this.
    Once you have selected the paper, trace the outline of your pumpkin onto the backside of the paper. Be mindful of which direction your paper/pumpkin are facing so that you don't get it backwards! 
  4. Now cut out the outline carefully to the shape of your pumpkin, and set aside. 
  5. Using a paint brush, cover the entire front of your pumpkin with Mod Podge (Hint: you can often find small bottles of Mod Podge at Dollar Tree as well. This is more than enough for this particular project!)
  6. Carefully, line up your cut paper to your pumpkin and smooth on gently. Allow to dry. 
  7. Once dry, you can add on any decorative accents you would like. I personally used the leaf and bow from the original sign, and also added a metal 'thankful' to finish it off. (These metal words come in a pack of 3 at Dollar Tree as well.) 
  8. If you want to hang, you can add a new hanger to the back, OR use a needle to re-open the previous holes. I made this for my mantel so I left mine as it is. 
I love this project because it is both super simple and super inexpensive. Absolutely everything except the scrapbook paper is from Dollar Tree! This elevates those existing signs to create your own one-of-a-kind style. 




  1. Such a pretty sign! This would be a lot of fun to make. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I would love to make this for my home!

  3. Thanks for sharing this amazing piece of content.

  4. I love this idea, I think I might even have a little modge podge left to try mine own out.

  5. What a fantastic idea , I love the musical notes .


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24