Thursday, August 22, 2019

Simple Ways You Can Help Your Children With Their Revision

Many of us can still remember our school days quite clearly. And, while many of us have positive memories of this time at school, there were also times when it could get very stressful. However old your child is, the education curriculum moves so quickly that, by the time your kids are at school, most of what they learn is completely alien to you.
This can make helping your children to study and prepare for their own school work much more difficult. Fortunately, if you look in the right places, you will find all the tools that you need to help your children revise effectively.

Get Ahead of The Curriculum

When you know that exams are just around the corner, it is a good idea to sit down with your child and go through exactly what they are studying. If their teachers have highlighted any particular topics as likely to appear on the exam, you should obviously prioritize these.
You should be able to find past exam papers for Australian exam boards online, which you can use to get a good idea of what is likely to appear on the exam papers your child sits. In fact, having your child go through past papers is a good revision tool, as it will really prepare them for the day. However, you might want to help them get through the first few.

Identify Their Learning Style

Everyone has a different learning style, and identifying the right one for your child is key to ensuring that their revision sessions are as productive as possible. If your child is an interactive learner, you should look on your smartphone to see what educational apps are available that might be of use to them. Alternatively, another learning style could be to help them develop Selective Forgetting, allowing your child to only memorise the most important information and not get caught up in unnecessary information and the finer details. 

Find a Tutor

As well as interactive apps, it might also be a good idea to find your child a tutor or tutoring class, especially if you are struggling to keep up with the curriculum. One of the most renowned tutoring centres is Pre Uni College, who you can find at Their platform makes it easy for parents to monitor their children’s progress each weak and identify key areas for improvement.

Help Them Stay Positive

Whether you are persisting with helping your child yourself or have made the decision to find a tutor, it is important that you are there to make your child feel positive. And, if you make your child’s revision sessions more stressful than they need to be, it will affect their work, their mood, and their motivation. This will all add up to a child who can’t perform at their best.
As their parent, you need to encourage them to do their best at school, but also let them know that it is okay to make mistakes and get things wrong. Maintaining a positive attitude is important for ensuring that your children can focus and work as hard as possible without feeling too stressed.
Once you’ve found the right tools and how to use them, it becomes easy to help your child revise for their exams. If you are feeling stuck and unsure what to do, reach out to other parents and get their advice.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24