Friday, August 23, 2019

The Different Ways to Help Your Child to Succeed

Every parent will want their child to thrive in school. While their teachers are partially responsible for their education, there are actions parents can take to help their kids to flourish academically.
If, however, you are unsure how you can support their studies and help them to secure the best possible grades, you should read the different ways to help your child succeed.

Set Homework Rules

It is vital to establish some ground rules in the home when it comes to your child’s homework. For example, you should state they cannot watch TV, use their smartphone or play with their friends until they have completed an assignment. You also should provide them with a desk, computer, and stationery to help them complete a paper or study for an upcoming test.

Hire a Personal Tutor

If your child is struggling to secure the best grades in a subject, or you want to build on their strengths, consider hiring a personal tutor. The one-to-one sessions after school could help your son or daughter to approach a topic with a different mindset, which could lead to them successfully completing a difficult equation, improving their grammar skills or retaining information.

Save for Their College Education

To ensure your son or daughter doesn’t experience academic limitations, you should consider saving for their college education while they are young. For example, you could put a fixed amount of money aside each week into a college fund, which will allow them to achieve their career goals once high school has come to an end. Plus, if your child develops a talent for sports, such as cross country, and receives excellent grades, they should find out more about ASM Scholarships.

Support Your Child’s Learning

In addition to encouraging your child to complete their homework and saving for their college education, you could support their education by ensuring they eat a healthy breakfast each morning and packing them a nutritious lunch. Students who enjoy healthy meals will have greater concentration and will perform better in school.

Allow Them to Find an Answer to a Question

Children and teenagers are likely to turn to their parents for help when struggling with a homework question. While your first instinct might be to provide them with the answer, you must refrain from doing so or you will deprive them of the opportunity to figure it out on their own. Instead, you should aim to point them in the right direction by:
  • Breaking down a question
  • Recommending study sources
  • Providing a clue to help them discover an answer

If, however, they cannot find an answer by themselves, you shouldn’t be afraid to help them while explaining how you came to an answer.

Set an Example

Prove to your son or daughter that learning doesn’t need to come to an end once they leave school behind. For example, you could encourage them to work harder academically by working your way towards a degree, reading each night or embarking on various courses.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24