Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fate of the Redeemed Blog Tour: Author Interview + Giveaway

Fate of the Redeemed JustRead Blog + Review Tour 

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour & Giveaway for Fate of the Redeemed by Chad Pettit, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Fate of the Redeemed by Chad Pettit 
Title: Fate of the Redeemed  
Series: Journey of Fate #2  
Author: Chad Pettit  
Publisher: Ambassador International 
Release Date: October 1, 2019  
Genre: Suspense Fantasy

An angel with amnesia. A demon with a vendetta. The man caught in their crossfire.

Lester Sharp has been given a second chance to live a life of compassion, but his decision to follow God will be tested when his estranged father calls to tell him his brother has been killed in combat. A demon unleashes a series of attacks on him, and someone he thought was lost to his past emerges.

Lester is guarded by the angel, Draven, but when Morane catches the watcher off his guard, Draven loses his memory and finds himself being held prisoner in a remote Somali village. His only ally is Ibrahim, a man who finds out his son has been murdered by extremists when his granddaughter appears out of nowhere and somehow possesses supernatural powers.

As Morane’s fury is unleashed, time is running out for Lester, and Draven’s fate is in the hands of a man whose faith is being pushed to the limit.  

While Lester fights for his life—and for his soul—will he make the right choices, or will he decide—once and for all—that he doesn’t need God? And why is one man so important in the midst of spiritual warfare?
PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository

Chad Petitt 

Chad Pettit grew up lost in the world of fantasy fiction but alienated from a knowledge of God. With no real direction in his life, he shipped out for basic training twelve days after high school. He continued down a path of sin and destruction through two combat tours to Iraq, but then God pulled back the blinders, and he met his Lord and Savior. One passion that never left him was his love for fiction, and in 2013 he went back to school and earned his degree in English. This helped him develop his craft, spending long hours pounding away at the keys until his battles with guilt, fear, and shame came alive on the page.  

CONNECT WITH CHAD: Website | Facebook | Twitter

Hi Chad! First of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to answer these questions and allowing my readers the chance to get to know you and your latest book-Fate of the Redeemed- a little bit better. I always like to start these interviews with something fun… tell us 5 random facts about yourself that we WON’T find in your bio!

  • ·         The first thing I ever published was a poem about the effects of PTSD from combat
  • ·         I love 80s music (the mainstream stuff, not the hairband music)
  • ·         I taught Taekwondo full time in high school
  • ·         I complain about the Nickelodeon shows my kids watch but can practically quote Henry Danger
  • ·         There’s not enough credit for my wife on my website, but she’s an incredible personal trainer and an amazing human

Let’s talk writing! You had quite the journey to get to that first traditionally published novel, book one in this series Fate of the Watchman. I can only imagine that journey made it all the more exciting when it finally happened. Can you tell us a little bit about that initial reaction? Was it any less exciting the second time around?

·         When I got the email from Dr. Lowry telling me that he wanted to publish Fate of the Watchman, I fell on the floor and cried. It was a moment I’d been dreaming about for thirty years, so I still get emotional when I think about it, and it was incredible to get the offer on book two because it happened so close to the first one. It was and still is very surreal.

Your books are ‘suspense woven with the supernatural’. What first drew you to that particular genre? Where do you find inspiration for these stories?

·         I used to write high fantasy, but that’s never really resonated with me. I grew up reading fantasy novels, and they helped me to become the person I am, but I’ve never particularly enjoyed writing them as much as I enjoy reading them. I tried out a few different genres, including some previously self-published biblical fiction, but nothing really hit the right chords for me. Fate of the Watchman was a story kind of in a genre all by itself, and one day an angel and a demon fighting popped into my head. At the time I didn’t know other people wrote about that sort of thing. I’d never read a Frank Peretti novel until my editor compared me to him.

You spent 10 years serving in the US Army, thank you for your service. As a military wife, I know that in this lifestyle you meet a large variety of people from all over with a lot of different stories and personalities (not to mention the many experiences your time certainly brought about for you too). That seems like a writer’s dream- so much inspiration! Has that experience influenced your writing in any way- be it characters, plots, places, etc?

·         Yes to all of the above. Absolutely. There is a location in Fate of the Watchman that is from my past, a place I went to while serving in Iraq. I deal with PTSD, something I’ve only recently been public about, and the residual effects of war are something I focus on in my writing.

A portion of the sales from your Fate series has been pledged to The Voice of the Martyrs. Can you tell us a little bit more about this ministry and why it is important to you?

·         Wow, if you’ve never been to a Voice of the Martyrs conference, you should really make plans to attend one. They’re phenomenal and will help you see the plight of our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for Christ. My eyes were opened to this years ago after reading Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurbrand. To say I was challenged is an understatement. The persecuted church desperately needs our prayers and support.

I have found that writers are so often some of the best readers too. If we were to take a look at your ‘to read’ pile, what might we find there?

·         Uh, an unorganized mess. I read so many different things. I particularly enjoy suspense and thrillers, but I’m oh so tired of the washed up detective and stereotypical divorced woman trope that I just can’t bear to read another one for a time. I’m reading Mark of the Raven by Morgan L. Busse right now, and then I’ll probably be reading Dragon’s Fire by Tiger Hebert or The Story Peddler by Lindsay Franklin. But I don’t just read Christian Fiction. I’ve read some of the “classics” and found many of them quite boring, and wordy. I like a wide range, which also helps me as an English teacher.

Fate of the Redeemed sounds like a fascinating read that I cannot wait to check out myself, but in case anyone is still on the fence, what should everyone know about this book (or series in general)? Why will we love it?

·         Fate of the Redeemed and the entire Journey of Fate series is all about a depiction of the world as it is and the trials those who have decided to follow Jesus Christ must face. It’s speculative, so there is a fictionalized look into spiritual warfare, but how the believers are supposed to wage a good warfare is accurate to scripture and meant to encourage readers to trust they are important to the Lord, and He will fight for us. It’s a fairly gritty story, so expect some epic battles and all-too-real depictions of the reality of sin.

Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions. Before we go, I know I cannot wait to see what’s coming up from you! Can you give us an idea on what we can look forward to next? Any projects you are currently working on that you can share?

·         Yeah, thanks for having me on. Right now I’m actually working on a story that everyone can help me write because I’m posting it as a rough draft in real time on my blog. The working title is “Coffee with a Demon” and it’s about a man who is being tormented by demons and wanders into a seemingly abandoned café out in West Texas. That can be found on my website at

·         It was awesome to be here. Thank you so much for having me!

(1) winner will receive a $10 B&N egift card

Fate of the Redeemed JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule shown below. Giveaway will begin at midnight October 16, 2019 and last through 11:59 PM EST on October 23, 2019. US only. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.


  1. This book sounds like a very cool read.

  2. The cover looks dark and gloomy. That doesn't bode well for Lester.

  3. This book sounds like quite an awesome read. Looking forward to see what Lester does with his second chance.

  4. I love reading author interviews. Many thanks to the author for serving our country.


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