If you listen to the songs, snow is magical... building snowmen and walking with the one we love. Dreaming of a white Christmas, and staying warm and cozy inside as the snow falls down outside. While I admit that seeing the joy on the face of my children as they watch the ground begin to turn white is pretty magical... for me that magic is pretty short lived. Snow is all fine and dandy as long as we can watch it from a distance, but the minute that we have to get out in it? Well, my friends that is where the magic must end for me.
Snow or frost, the kids still have to get to school each day and I have to get them there. If you live in the Midwest or elsewhere where snow/frost is common, a snow scraper is an absolute necessity. But not all snow scrapers are created equal.
Today, I'm excited to share with you my personal go to scraper--- the Scrape-A-Round.

The Scrape-a-round is a brilliant feat of ice scraping engineering. Scrape-A-Round is the
best ice scraper because of the softer plastic, whicj allows the scraper to conform to the window curvature! Check out some of these great features:
- 18" of ice scraping surface.
- The comfortable grasp provides relief for the arthritic or carpal syndrome sufferer.
- Direct pressure to the window, no pressure lost through the ice scraper!
- The circular rotational motion of ice scraper.
- Double ice scraper action, leading edge and trailing edge.
- Multi functional, remove the cap and it doubles as a funnel.
- This scrapes windows frost and ice free in half the time!

Check out the Scrape-A-Round in action:
I was first introduced to Scrape-A-Round a few years ago, and I was immediately a fan. Listen, I'm not a super strong person and sometimes with a typical scraper I feel like I'm putting in a LOT of work for very little payoff. The Scrape-A-Round truly was so easy to use. I must admit, I'd kind of forgotten about it though after having gone without a vehicle over the last few years. The few times I'd had to scrape my windows with a typical scraper before my new Scrape-A-Round set arrived reminded me just how much better it truly was. Post injury I have even less strength than I did before, so the easy grip and better scraping ability have made a TON of difference. I also love that it covers more space allowing me to get the job done even faster. It's so easy that even my 12 year old can do it... and enjoys doing it too.
The only real downfall for me personally is that I am both petite and I drive a van. I struggle with being able to reach even with a typical scraper with a longer handle, so naturally this is a bit of an issue here too. Still, I've got stools in all areas of my home for this reason, so what's one more? The ease of use of the Scrape-A-Round makes it worth it anyway!
Want to give the gift of safety to the driver in your life? Scrape-A-Round makes a GREAT gift that is both thoughtful and practical--- my favorite type of gift!
You can learn more and order your Scrape-A-Round here: http://www.scrapearound.com/
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