Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Learning Music- 3 Tips for Moms

It is never too late to learn to play a musical instrument. Music is a huge part of our lives and being able to play an instrument – and actually play the songs that we love – is very rewarding. Besides, music is a great hobby to get into.

If you think you don’t have what it takes to learn music, think again. Even seniors take up music as a hobby. There is no better time to learn to play the piano or a guitar (or other musical instruments you are interested in) and these tips will help you get started in no time.

Get the Instrument!

Don’t wait. Take that big leap and get the instrument you want to master. This will ‘force’ you to commit to learning how to play the instrument. At the very least, you’ll be reminded that you want to learn music every time you see the instrument lying in the corner.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to get a musical instrument. There are plenty of discounts from reputable retailers. In the case of Dawkes, you can also check out the used section on its website to find anything from used clarinets to saxophones at stunning prices.

There is also the option to rent the instrument you want to try. If you are not sure about investing in a musical instrument, renting is definitely the way to go. Rent an instrument for 3 or 6 months and you’ll have plenty of time to learn.

Learn What You Love

Don’t worry about getting into classical music or learning about the fundamentals of songwriting. If you love pop music, you can focus on playing pop songs right away. While the basics of playing music are important, learning how to play popular songs lets you master the instrument faster.

Once you have a few songs in your pocket, you can begin enhancing your music skills by going back to the basics. By the time you learn how to read sheets or how to play alternative chords, you are already familiar with the instrument you use.

Learning the songs that you love also helps keep you motivated for longer. Whenever you hear a new song on the radio, you can figure out the chords and notes, and then start practicing until you can play the song. All it takes is a new song to keep you going.

Keep at It

A musical instrument isn’t something you master overnight. One last tip – and perhaps the most important one – to keep in mind is to keep practicing until you nail it. It may take a couple of weeks or more to master a single song but keep at it and the next one can be mastered in a shorter time.

The more you practice, the better you’ll be at playing the instrument of your choice. Giving up after a couple of attempts is not an option.

That’s it! Keep these three tips in mind and you’ll be leading the singalong on the next family gathering. With so many apps and resources to help you master an instrument, learning music is no longer difficult.


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