Monday, January 20, 2020

A Promise To Keep Blog Tour: Author Interview + Giveaway

A Promise to Keep JustRead Blog + Quote Tour 
Welcome to the Blog + Quote Tour (and Giveaway!) for A Promise to Keep by Melony Teague, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

A Promise to Keep by Melony Teague
Title: A Promise to Keep 
Author: Melony Teague 
Publisher: Anaiah Press 
Release Date: January 21, 2020 
Genre: Inspirational Contemporary Romance

Research librarian Savannah Sanderson wants nothing more than to escape into her happily-ever-after novels with their larger-than-life fictional heroes. But a promise to her late husband has her attending her dreaded twenty-year high school reunion, drinking ghastly punch, and taking desperate measures just to keep her vow, even if she has to hide behind the décor to do it.

Once a reckless troublemaker, Michael McCann fled town after graduation. Now a professional technical rescuer, he’s back for the reunion, but on his trip down memory lane, he soon comes face to face with unresolved issues, namely Savannah.

Before the night is over, a pact between these two old friends will lead them on an adventure into uncharted emotional territory where Michael must confront his past regrets and find the courage to reveal the truth. But can Savannah fly from her sheltered nest and risk her heart on a real-life hero?

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository

Melony Teague

Melony Teague writes contemporary romance with a dash of humor, she loves to inspire and motivate others through her written words, and she believes everyone has a story to tell. Melony is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and she is the co-author of As the Ink Flows, a devotional for authors. Her fiction debut, A Promise to Keep releases, Jan 21, 2020. Melony was born in South Africa and now lives in Toronto with her handsome husband, their two teenagers, and does the bidding of her two adorable cats.

CONNECT WITH MELONY:  Website | FacebookTwitter | Instagram

Hi Melony! Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions and giving my readers the chance to get to know you and your debut novel-A Promise To Keep- a little bit better. I always like to begin these interviews the same way with something fun… tell us 5 random facts about yourself that we WON’T find in your bio!

  • ·         I can scuba dive and have dived with sharks
  • ·         I love reading young adult, dystopian novels.
  • ·         Many years ago, in South Africa, I started and owned a business suppling desserts to coffee shops and restaurants.
  • ·         I’ve been married 26 years.
  • ·         I was raised by my grandmother.

Let’s talk writing! When did you first realize that this was something you were meant to do?

In 2009 I was at a party and mentioned that I’d like to publish a book one day (at the time I thought it would be a cookbook…but that is another story) and some people there reacted like, “good luck with that” and I was like, “Um, is that a challenge? Because, I love a challenge.” I was already blogging daily, so I was in the habit of writing. So I took out all the books in my local library about writing and got started.. I pitched A Promise to Keep on Twitter, if you can believe it. The rest, as they say, is history.

Though A Promise To Keep is your first novel, you are no stranger to the writing profession-- having co-written a devotional and being a contributor for various newspapers and magazines. How has the experience of writing your first fictional novel been different from those experiences?

Fiction is a different animal altogether, however my other writing taught me how to create hooks, and end scenes or chapters that hopefully make readers have to turn the page to the next chapter. It also helped me to develop my writing chops. I still have a lot to learn, but I’m grateful for all the different types of writing I’ve been able to do and the skills they’ve helped me learn. When I began writing on my fiction, I had to get over some of the rookie mistakes we all make. I have a few manuscripts tucked away that shall remain safely tucked. I think the biggest challenge for me was drumming up enough courage to let anyone read my fiction at all. Once I got over that fear, it became a little easier to put myself out there. Now as a debut novelist, I’m putting my words out there for readers to read out in the wild, which is the next big step for me. I hope readers will like Savannah and Michael’s story.

What was that moment like when you learned that your novel was going to be published or seeing your book in print for the first time?

I can be a little dramatic sometimes, so there was much squealing and freaking out when I was offered the contract! My family are getting used to me and my outbursts now. I am anxiously awaiting my actual print copies, they are on the way. I’m looking forward to that moment, because then it will finally feel real to me. Like, really real, as opposed to how surreal if feels right now. Although I approved the galleys, it’s not the same as holding your book baby in your hand!

A Promise To Keep sounds like a fantastic read, and has made its way to my to be read pile for sure! If we were to take a look at your own TBR, what might we find there?

Thank you for adding it to your TBR pile! I have just about all Jen Turano’s books on my keeper shelf, love her books and I’m looking forward to her upcoming release. I enjoy Carla Laureano, Lynette Eason, Lynn Blackwell, Susan Anne Mason, Michelle Phoenix, Nancy Mehl, Julie Klassen, Charles Martin and I’m particularly looking forward to Darlene Turner’s upcoming Romantic Suspense, and diving into Laurie Wood’s Tundra series.

Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions. Before we go, can you give us an idea on what we can look forward to next? Any projects you are currently working on that you can share?

I am a freelance writer so I have ongoing client work. I do communications for a Canadian, non-profit medical missions organization and that keeps me somewhat busy. Aside from that I have one manuscript I need to polish. I’m also brainstorming the next book and excited about the fun research I have planned. Perhaps some of the secondary characters in A Promise to Keep will get to tell their story. Stay tuned.

(1) winner will receive a prize package including Mocktails book, 4 pins: 2 x Embrace Life, 2x Be Original, 1 large pretty napkin (tropical flowers), 1 small cocktail napkins (with maple leaves on them), A Promise to Keep bookmarks and an Amazon gift card $10 value!

A Promise to Keep JustRead Giveaway

Full tour schedule shown below. Giveaway will begin at midnight January 20, 2020 and last through 11:59 PM EST on January 27, 2020. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. Open to US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.


  1. Beautiful cover! Thank you for sharing this fun giveaway.

  2. Really looking forward to reading this book! Looks awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!
    faithdcreech at gmail dot com

  3. Thank you for sharing! - JustRead Tours

  4. The book description and excerpt have my attention. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Lovely tour, came by from twitter.. good to learn about it.

  6. I enjoyed the interview, thanks for the great giveaway!

  7. Beautiful cover. Like the feather design.

  8. This sounds great! Beautiful cover! ❤

  9. Good review! New author to me. Liked the excerpt. Thank you for sharing.

  10. I came very close to attending my 20th year high school reunion, but then I knocked some sense into myself, lol. Thanks for the giveaway!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24