**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.

In this book, you're going to read about a different kind of love story. It's a love story each and every one of us is currently playing a role in--whether we're aware of it or not. And truth be told, it's scary-critical that we stay tuned-in to this love story. Because outside of a growing relationship with your heavenly Father, no other love (or lack of love) has the potential to improve or implode your life like the love that you have for you.
For anyone who has ever struggled with their identity, Landra Young Hughes has a radically simple message: give up. Specifically, give up your need to be in control of how other people see you. Instead, let God's words--not yours and not others'--define you. Through her own deeply personal story of trying to control her circumstances and others' perceptions of her through an eating disorder, Landra points the way toward a life free from self-obsession and self-resentment. She shows you how to listen to God's voice, let go of the struggle for perfection, and live authentically from your deepest self.
Landra Young Hughes is the daughter of prominent pastor Ed Young Jr. and Lisa Young of Fellowship Church. Because of her upbringing, Landra has developed a passion for seeing people maximize their God-given potential and embrace their God-defined self-worth. She and her husband, Brad, lead Fellowship Church's Norman campus and live in the Norman, Oklahoma, area with their daughter, Sterling.
Holly Crawshaw is a writer and editor who eats sour candy and laughs at her own jokes. A self-proclaimed cat-lady, Holly was on staff with North Point Ministries for eight years, working with volunteers, kids, and students. Holly currently serves as lead writer for life stage strategies at Orange/The Rethink Group. Holly is raising three daughters, Lilah (the silly one), Esmae (the charming one), and Sailor (the sweet one) in her hometown of Cumming, Georgia.
If you have ever struggled with perfectionism, how others view us or loving ourselves as we are... this is the book for us! I don't know about you, but that seems to cover just about every woman ever, doesn't it? Let's be honest, these are common struggles that we face to some degree.
With Valentine's Day having just passed, love is certainly in the air... but this book is as the name suggests not your typical love story. It is a story about finding your identity in God and learning to love yourself. Isn't that one of the most important love stories ever to be told. We get a very open and honest look into the author's life and her struggles with loving herself, control and eating disorders. As someone who struggles with perfectionism, I could see so much of myself among these words. Still, as heavy a topic as this might have been, it was actually a rather enjoyable read regardless. Landra Young Hughes offered an open voice that I think readers of all ages can really relate to, as it doesn't feel forced at all. I really came to enjoy her voice. While there are certainly other books on the topic, this is one that I would certainly recommend.
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24