What does your child's supplement routine look like?
I don't know about you... but when I start to look at supplements for my kids--- it can be a little overwhelming! Multivitamins, probiotics, etc... what do all these things mean...and what makes one brand better than the next? As moms, we want the best for our kids, but we need a little guidance to navigate what it all means.
So, let's talk probiotics, shall we?
What exactly are probiotics? Why take a probiotic supplement?
When we think bacteria, we think about the germs that make us sick. However, that is not entirely the case. In addition to the bad, our bodies also have good bacterias that support a healthy immune system, digestive health, etc. This is what a probiotic is--- that good bacteria! The addition of a probiotic to your child's diet can help replenish the good bacteria in the microbiome.

What is Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic?
Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic was created by Wakunaga of America- a family owned company committed to promoting consumer health worldwide through research, development, manufacturing and marketing of high-quality medicinal herbs. They developed Kyo-Dophilus Probiotics almost thirty years ago. Their goal was to share the health benefits of the 'friendly bacteria' to aid in maintaining overall wellness. The Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotics brings those benefits to children and infants.
What makes it a great option?
Like many probiotics, the Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic helps to maintain regular bowel movements, relieve occasional digestive discomfort, and of course promote a healthy immune function. This can be especially great for kids who--- if they share nothing else are ALWAYS willing to share germs!
The Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic contains human strain bacteria called The Friendly Trio™. This is documented in clinical studies to offer a variety of health benefits which incluce strengthening immune function, aiding in a healthy inflammatory response and restoring beneficial bacteria. This strain includes L. gasseri which has been shown to support your body’s GI function and immune health, B. bifidum which may help regulate healthy gut flora and enhance immunity by reducing inflammation, and B. longum which is known to normalize bowel movements.*
Sounds great, right? But a supplement is only beneficial if kids are actually willing and able to take it. Which brings me to what my daughter says is the absolute best part about Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic- the taste! It comes in a vanilla flavor. Now, sometimes a medicine or supplement might SAY it's a certain flavor, but our kids are sure to tell us otherwise. My daughter will be the first to tell you... she usually cannot stand chewable medications or supplements for that very reason. This one on the other hand truly tastes like vanilla, no chalky taste... and my daughter absolutely loved it. She said it tastes just like it--- almost like a vanilla cupcake! Whew! When it tastes like dessert, what kid wouldn't want to take it every day? And it is free of GMOs, sodium, preservatives, artificial colors, dairy, gluten, and soy... making it an ideal option regardless of any dietary restrictions your child might have.
It's good for kids of all ages too. For children two years old and older who are able to chew and swallow safely on their own, they can take the chewable tablet just as it is. For infants, take ½ tablet and crush it into their food. The tablet is very small, so this can still be done for older, pickier eaters as well, if desired.
Where can you purchase Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic?
Wakunaga of America Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic is available to purchase at local health food stores, Sprouts Farmers Market, Vitamin Cottage Natural Grocers, as well as online at Swansons Vitamins and Amazon. Visit momsmeet.link/wakanugalocate for the full list of locations.
A 60-count bottle of Wakunaga of America Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic typically retails for $16. A 90-count bottle typically retails for $32.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24