**I received a complimentary copy of this bible for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.
Isn't it amazing how our daily lives can change in the blink of an eye. Had anyone told us as we started the new year and new decade off in January just how we would be spending our year... well, I don't imagine any of us could have believed it. This is certainly not the 2020 we had expected. It just goes to show us that things can change when we least expect it.
Still, in the uncertainty of it all, there is ONE thing that remains the same through everything: God. He is unchanging, the same now as He was yesterday. His love and His word will always be the same. If you are looking for some certainty in the uncertainty of life, the Bible gives it to us.
Perhaps now is a good time to dig deeper into your Bible, or to pick it up for the first time.
But, which Bible should you choose? I am often asked this question and while there are many Bibles I would recommend, I have found the answer truly is not that simple. The best Bible, simply put: is the one that you will actually read! That can mean something different for each of us. We all learn differently, and we all desire different things out of our Bibles. Some of us want space to take notes. Some of us thrive on learning the history of the time. Some prefer devotions that help us to apply what we are reading to our life. Still even others prefer visual aids.
For that final group of visual learners, I am excited to introduce a new Bible unlike any other that I have had the chance to experience: CSB Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible. Take a look:
In the CSB Life Essentials Study Bible, renowned Bible teacher, Dr. Gene Getz guides readers through Scripture by expounding on 1,500 life principles found throughout the Bible. Distilling these truths into life principles, Dr. Getz helps readers remember and apply the Bible’s wisdom to everyday life.The CSB Life Essentials Study Bible integrates a multimedia digital study system with more than 250 hours of in-depth video teachings from Dr. Gene Getz on these essential life principles (accessed through smartphone-accessible QR codes). Questions follow each principle to inspire personal reflection or group discussion. A topical index and cross references for all 1,500 life principles is included, and each book introduction provides a list of corresponding life principles found in that book.
Features include:
- Commentary and application questions on 1,500 life principles
- 250 hours of free in-depth video teaching to accompany each life principle
- Two-color interior design
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Presentation page
- Two-column text
- Topical subheadings
- Black-letter text
- 9-point type
- Textual footnotes
- Concordance
- Full-color maps

Throughout the years, I have had the opportunity to review MANY great Bibles. They have all been great for various reasons, appealing to different people. Still, this one is the first that I have seen like it. Not only is it packed full with written notes and reflections throughout, it also has QR codes throughout. When scanned with your phone or tablet, these will take you to video teachings regarding what you just read as well. Let's be honest, while we know reading the Bible is very important and no video should ever replace it, some people just learn better by hearing and seeing. Perhaps this is due to issues such as dyslexia, etc that make is more challenging, or even just how our individual brains are wired... but regardless of the reason, some just respond to video better. This gives them that.... and I absolutely love it! What a unique way to study the Word!
In these trying times, there is a lot of talk about essentials. States have deemed which workers are essential and able to keep working while others remain home. Essential business open their doors while non-essential shut their doors. Shelves within those open stores find themselves bare, people fearing the worst and stocking up on what they deem to be essential. But as Christians we know that there is one essential that stands above all the rest...and it's certainly NOT toilet paper.
God's Word will always be an essential, no matter what is going on in the world... and this Bible is a great way to dive deeper into it.
You can learn more and connect at the links below:
Thank you