Friday, May 22, 2020

5 Things to Do When You Move into a New Home

There are few life experiences as exciting as moving into a new home in a different neighborhood. However, before you can settle in and enjoy your new space, there will be a few tasks that you will need to complete. Here is a list of the five most important duties to add to your checklist.

A clean home is a happy home, and now is your chance to ensure that you get into every nook and cranny! After all, it is much easier to deep clean the interior of a home when there is no clutter in the way. Plus, you won’t want to move in your furniture and belongings when there is dirt and dust everywhere. You can either hire a cleaning business to handle this task for you, or rope in some friends and relatives to lend a hand.

Inspect for, and get rid of, pests
Pest infestations are surprisingly common in homes. The only trouble is that they often go unnoticed until they reach a point where they have become quite severe. It is because of this that it is recommended to call on the pest control specialists to inspect your new home before you move in, or shortly thereafter. Not sure which company to contact? Professional Pest Control Houston company Gulf Coast Exterminators, who are highly effective perform inspections for a wide variety of pests, from ants and termites to rodents and bats.

Once you are certain that your interior is spotlessly clean and free from pests, you can start unpacking. This is the fun part, so don’t feel rushed to complete the job in one day. Take your time placing your possessions in their ‘perfect spot’ and arranging your space to suit your personal tastes and preferences. Don’t forget to recycle your moving boxes! 
Change Your Address
Changing your address with the postal service is easier than you are probably anticipating. All you have to do is visit their website. It costs a mere $1.05 to change your address online, and you will receive an email confirming the change immediately. Alternatively, you can visit your local post office and ask for a Mover’s Guide packet (which contains Form 3575).

Meet Your Neighbors
Getting to know your neighbors isn’t important just because it’s fun to socialize with new people. It is also a matter of security. Your neighbors are more likely to keep an eye on your house and family when they know you well. They might be able to pick up on it when something is amiss or give you a call directly if they notice anything suspicious.

Further to this, knowing your neighbors means that you can both lend each other a helping whenever necessary. This could be when you run out of sugar in the middle of baking a tasty treat, or when you need help changing a tire.

Enjoy the process of immersing yourself in your new Houston home and your new life. Here’s to many happy years ahead!


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24