Friday, May 22, 2020

Healing from Injuries - The Right Mental and Physical Support

Be it sports injuries or accidents, as long as they are severe, injuries can be absolutely harrowing in both their immediate and continuing effects on people’s lives. In order to heal from serious injuries properly and quickly, it is important to both have a psychological and physical care system in place. We are going to highlight some of the most important aspects related to the importance of both next.

Why Mental Support is an Essential Part of the Healing Process

Unknown to many, the following effects are commonly seen in people who have suffered from on life-altering injury:
Mental trauma is common in almost all cases, but in varying degrees
·         The change in lifestyle, even if it is temporary, can lead to depression and anxiety
·         If the injury is debilitating, depression and anxiety is often a result of loneliness as well
·         In case an injury causes loss of employment, mental health is bound to take a tumble
·         Hopelessness can cause an injured individual to give up on the treatment

To provide support to patients suffering from trauma, depression, and anxiety, professional psychotherapy is highly recommended, even if it is for evaluation only. Patients should also never be left alone to prevent the symptoms from worsening. Seniors are usually the most vulnerable to mental effects of injury and trauma, but they are not exclusively susceptible to them either.

The Role of Physical Therapy is Critical

Aside from prescribing painkillers and assistive meds, there’s very little that even a doctor can do to help their patients heal from muscle/bone/tendon/ligament/joint injuries. In cases where surgery can help, healing from the surgery itself would often feel like a daunting task.
This is where physical therapy comes in to quicken our natural healing process, by reactivating injured muscles and nerves. Additionally, the therapy is crucial while rehabilitating an injured body part into its former condition, or at least into the best condition that it can possibly get to post-recovery. However, unless a therapist has access to the physical therapy products they need to do their job properly, sessions will not be as effective as they should be.

What Can the Patient Do to Heal Faster?

The biggest role in any patient’s healing is, of course, played by the patients themselves. They should follow a few rules with care to see better results from the treatment:
Getting to know the RICE method is extremely important
·         Taking the time necessary to understand their injury properly·         Assisting everyone trying to help them, by following their instructions with diligent care·         Taking active steps to counter and heal from the injury both physically and psychologically

The good news is that most injuries can be healed and recovered from, as long as the physical therapy sessions are properly completed with due diligence, while also keeping an eye on the injured person’s mental health throughout the healing process. Even in situations where complete recovery is not an option, the right steps can lead to maximum recovery.


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