Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Make the Most of a Small Garden

Everyone’s idea of what constitutes a small garden is different, however, if you feel you’re your garden is a little on the small side, with a bit of cohesion and some careful planning there are several ways that you can maximize your space and create an oasis that you will love spending time in.

Understand Your Environment

Understanding your environment is key to the success of your garden. Costs can quickly add up when buying plants, so the last thing you want is for your plants to die because the conditions are not right. 
Watch the sun and make a note of where it is during the day to establish what will thrive where. Establish if you would like to have your seating in the sun or the shade and work around making this happen with your garden design.

You will also need to factor in things like harsh winds, especially if you have a rooftop garden, as this will require hardy plants.


Before deciding on the type of garden you want to go for, you will need to think about the level of maintenance you are willing to put in. Potted plants look great in small courtyard gardens but require regular watering during the drier months.

Of course, there are options for hiring a garden maintenance company, so if you’re short on time but have your heart set on something that will require tending to, then consider engaging gardening services in Brisbane to keep your oasis looking its best.

Establish the Purpose of the Space

Before you go ahead and start your design, make sure you have a good idea of how you want your garden to function. Is it space for you to entertain friends or a place for your family to relax? Perhaps you are after a kitchen garden where you can grow herbs and vegetables or simply an ornamental space for you to gaze at from your favorite window.

It is a good idea to have a flick through some garden designs at this stage and start a scrapbook of the sort of looks that work for you.

Consider Whether You Want Lawn

Having a lawn is more work than most people realize. In the growing season, they need regular watering to stop them from going brown and patchy, and regular mowing as a long, unkempt lawn could ruin the look you have worked to achieve.

You may opt instead for gravel or paving and plenty of potted plants, or more people these days are choosing to have artificial grass installed, although you should be aware that this does require a small amount of maintenance.

Use Your Walls

Walls can still be great spaces to grow plants on and add height and interest to your scheme. Consider planting climbing roses or wonderfully scented Jasmin for reliable summer blooms. Espalier trees also make a great feature, and apples will flower abundantly in the spring and produce wonderful fruit in the autumn.


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