Tuesday, June 16, 2020

3 Tips to Help Your Family Cope With Separation

It is a sad and unfortunate fact that many marriages and relationships end in separation. Going through a separation is always a distressing and traumatic event, but even more so when children are involved. Experiencing their parents splitting up can be extremely upsetting and confusing for young children. Luckily, there are various ways for you to make the separation process smoother and help your children understand and deal with the changes. With this in mind, here are three tips to help your family cope with separation.

1. Communicate openly as a family

The most important step to helping your family deal with separation is to maintain open communication. Sit down as a family as early as possible and gently tell your children about the separation and what changes they should expect. According to experts at parents.com, you can help make the news of a divorce or separation easier for children by presenting a united front with your partner, addressing the whole family unit, and planning what you are going to say in advance. Make sure you explain to your children that the separation has nothing to do with them and reassure them that they are loved by both parents. Encourage your children to ask questions and answer them as honestly as possible. Being open will help your children understand the situation and help to reduce any feelings of anxiety or confusion.

2. Avoid arguing in front of your children

Going through a divorce or separation can be overwhelming and it is natural for there to be arguments and disagreements, particularly if the separation is not a joint-decision. However, you must avoid fighting in front of your family as hearing or witnessing parents arguing can be extremely distressing for children. For that reason, you must try to present a united and civil front at all times and avoid bad-mouthing each other in front of your family.

3. Seek expert legal advice

If you are married, then the legal process of separating can be time-consuming and complex, particularly when children are involved. You can help make the process as stress-free as possible by seeking expert legal advice at the earliest possible opportunity. A specialist divorce lawyer will explain the divorce process to you and offer you support throughout the divorce proceedings. The separation process and timescale will differ depending on the type of legal union you and your partner are in. For instance, an experienced domestic partnership lawyer in Woodland Hills can provide you with specialist advice if you are in a domestic partnership rather than a formal marriage.

Final thoughts

A divorce or separation can have a significant and lasting effect on children and cause feelings of sadness, frustration, and anxiety. It is important that you discuss separation openly with your family and assure children that they are loved and will continue to be supported by both parents. Use the above tips to make the process as stress-free as possible and help your family cope with the separation in a healthy way.


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